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I've got a lot to say, and I say most of it in the video. 

First off, thank you to all my Patrons supporting me while I develop this. It's been a lot of work, and there's still a long ways to go. Balancing life and composition with development isn't easy, and this is a milestone that I think we can all celebrate!

Definitely more to come. 

This is a public post, so a quick FAQ for non-Patrons that might just be joining us:

I've always wanted to do creative, new things with chiptunes, game music, and old computers and consoles. This is it: a synthesizer and music package that lets me write music but also do sound chip research at the same time! I'm often asked when the next follow-up to Pretty Eight Machine or another favorite album will be, and, well, this what will enable me to do that. This isn't a commercial product, just a musical instrument that will allow me to make sounds exactly the way I want to. And when I don't have a feature that I need in my music software, the code is right there in front of me, ready to be modified.

I hope if you're not on board, you'll support this synth and my journey to learn everything there is to know about these sound chips. I plan to share what I learn with everyone here!


CTM: hardware multi-system chiptune music composition software

This is my music tracker that is under development. Please read more on my Patreon at http://patreon.com/inversephase


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