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Hey Patrons! I just finished uploading this to Bandcamp, and you can listen to it in full over there or right here. At last, you'll know what I've been so busy with! Patrons at $4 and up will receive a download code for it at the beginning of December of course. If you can help spread the word about the album, that would be great! I have a tweet pinned to the top of my twitter page you can retweet, or there's a post a little ways down on facebook that you can share. Same with G+ and tumblr. I'm going to take a much-needed break until this weekend is up. You'll hear from me again soon. =]


The Chipping of Isaac, by Inverse Phase

The Chipping of Isaac by Inverse Phase, released 13 November 2014 1. Those NESponsible 2. In The Bitginning... 3. The Chipping of Isaac 4. Unblown Depths 5. NESacrificial 6. IRQ Conflicted 7. Scanline 8. Strategy Guide 9. Tetris Piece Be With You 10. Double Dragony 11. Nintentant 12. Resprite 13.


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