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Beautiful cc. May I ask where is this blouse or corset I guess https://c10.patreonusercontent.com/3/eyJoIjozNjAsInciOjM2MH0%3D/patreon-media/p/post/58390920/9fbc10e44c654544be03cc4bba477624/1.png?token-time=1638230400&token-hash=A9PIvv458ZUWFANk1Pz4Dq5kTfRhRDRZ7fFfZrGRw6Q%3D


I asked the same thing on her IG page but never got a response.


Hi babe, I'm sorry I was a little busy, but you can find this blouse on a dress, or full body, if it doesn't show up and just uncheck the womenswear option, it will show up


Hi babe, I'm sorry I was a little busy, but you can find this blouse on a dress, or full body, if it doesn't show up and just uncheck the womenswear option, it will show up


Thank you for replying. May I have the name of the corset/dress item? I ask because I want to ensure that I installed it. I thought I did but for some reason I just can't seem to locate this item anywhere in my game even after unchecking the women wear setting that you told me to uncheck.