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As it says on the tin. I'm going to be pausing patreon payments at 6pm EST today. The upcoming chapter is probably going to be the last chapter of this volume.

After that, there will likely be some minor sidestory content. The public chapters will go until the end of the volume.

When the next volume starts up, things will wait until we are at elast 3 chapters ahead before resuming on the public sites.

Thank you all for supporting Beware of Chicken!


Mohamed Heikal

Does anybody know how long it normally is between volumes? Everyone is acting as if it is just a month but I dont see Casualfarmer saying this anywhere.

Niya Randall

I'm looking forward to the audio book release. I don't read much here my eyes aren't that good. I just pay this to support you because I truly love your work. Thank you and enjoy your break. 😁

Cory C.

Two posts before this one (Feb 27th). Break will likely be a month.