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Before Mikail found Tauri. She was in contract with a brothel keeper and in this time, she presented as male. (tauri is a demonic celestial bull with no strict gender so is genderfluid when human. Changes every century or so)

He was to use pacts to keep those who worked for the brother keeper in line. If they broke pacts, Tauri hunted them down. The brothel keeper passed Tauri's contract and the brothel down their lineage, and Tauri grew bored of being an heirloom dog. He cracked a plan to get his contract holder to marry a woman who worked with Tauri to get the contract in her name, and Tauri helped her become a widow. The widow had fallen for Tauri though Tauri had no interest in love, the widow showed her devotion by also making a pact that if she were to ever command him via contact, that she'd to die on the spot.
This please Tauri, but he only humored her for so long. The widow sensed this and the heartbreak drove her to anger. She commanded him to love her. And died on the spot. With no contracted, Tauri was now bound to the ground of his belated master. He could never leave the brothel.

One day, Mikail happened through town. Sensing something strange within the brothel, he figured he'd check it out while partaking some rest and recreation.
Tauri and Mikail's meeting was one of a hungry, curious and yearning stray cat, warily sizing up a potential feeding hand. Tauri's wariness to what Mikail was fleeting. Tauri saw something far more exciting in Mikail than his debautcherous prison. Mikail offered a new contract, Tauri accepted. Tauri shed his appearance and took a new one with Mikail and left with him. 



Austin Zheng

I love him so much


Oh this is so metal i love Tauri🤘🏽😩🤘🏽