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SO!! I binged Sandman and LOVED it! Got requested to draw Lucifer. I loved their take on em aaa❤️❤️



Kay Fedewa

AHHHHHHHHH THERE IT IS. Glad to hear you enjoyed the show! Werent the aesthetic and tone dope? The casting was also EXCELLENT. I was so hype to see this actor in this role, as i really adore them. I felt like they slayed it. Love your take!!!


ABSOLUTELY Gwendoline Christie kiiiilled it! and the aesthetic and themes are everything i love in fiction. i LOVE this stuff!!


*GAAAAAASP* This looks AMAZING Jubi!!! Im hella obsessed with Sandman rn, Gwedoline Christie was such a perfect choice for Lucifer. Their soft voice while being passive aggressive and belittling was so good the only crime is that there wasnt more honestly.