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Hey guys! Back for suggestions/requests!

For all those new patrons here, monthly I ask what you'd like to see more of or any suggestions other things you'd like to see from me!

So that includes original work, ideas and concepts or whatever things you'd think would be cool or even fanart of your fave things!

If you like someone else's suggestions, like as many of them as you'd like.
I'll still look over past suggestions too of course since there's still a lot of those I do want to do.

HAPPY 2022! Hope everyone's holidays were nice and as cozy as possible!
Had a nice lil break myself and stuffed myself with lots of food. Other than that; No house moving yet. We prolonged it to take advantage of our landlords pushback of selling of the house so we can relax for the holidays. But we gotta be outta here before spring. At least there's time, so a lot less stress off our shoulders!
Other than that, I'm having some issues with my tablet. The pixels got REALLY janky so I'm gonna see if I can send it in for repairs and that might take awhile to get back unless they just replace it, still waiting for support to get back to me 😭
I'm sure I can borrow a tablet in the meantime but I'm not 100% sure how this will play out. So there may be delays on stuff, I apologize on that regard siiigh
Wish me luck that this all goes over smoothly! 



Glad to hear you all didn't have to rush move out of the house over the holidays. Hopefully the tablet doesn't take too long to fix, and that things go well from here. Have a good new year!


Also for suggestions, maybe Emanuel at his turntables?