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Falling behind this month on stuff as I can no longer use my tablet so waiting on a new one to be delivered!
I was using a very small tablet in the meantime but ended up experiencing some really bad arm/hand pain afterwards from it. So I don't think it's wise for me to try it again. 😔
Hopefully my new tablet will come in before the end of the month so I can finish things up! It'll also take a hot second for me to get used to as it's the first Display Tablet I've ever used as well.

I think I'll be back up at it again after this weekend.
Thank you for your patience thus far! 💕


Austin Zheng

Your health comes first! Don't sweat it!

Anonymous (edited)

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2021-07-19 10:24:51 No worries at all, I hope your arm & hand feel better! And getting your first display tablet is super exciting!!
2021-04-23 03:16:50 No worries at all, I hope your arm & hand feel better! And getting your first display tablet is super exciting!!

No worries at all, I hope your arm & hand feel better! And getting your first display tablet is super exciting!!


Take all the time you need! Take care of yourself!


Thank you! It took about two days but it's feeling better. And I know better to avoid drawing on something small now. I'm excited to get into the display tablet!

Jubilations (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 10:24:51 Thank you so much <3
2021-04-23 19:19:59 Thank you so much <3

Thank you so much <3