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Hey guys! Back for suggestions/requests! Can you believe it's June already???

For all those new patrons here, monthly I ask what you'd like to see more of or any suggestions other things you'd like to see from me!

 So that includes original work, ideas and concepts or whatever things you'd think would be cool or even fanart of your fave things! 

If you like someone else's suggestions, like as many of them as you'd like.
I'll still look over past suggestions too of course since there's still a lot of those I do want to do!

Lil update:
It's been a rough few weeks. Mental health and physical health has been rough. Sought medical help and now with new medications on top of current I'm sure I'll be doing some adjusting. It's always disappointing to be experiencing relapse in both aspects of health, especially at the same time but I remember it's just a relapse and I'll get back to full functioning like I always do.
I appreciate all the support... you guys have been absolutely amazing. I hope you all are doing well and continue to be strong. ❤️



It's so good to hear you're recovering! Mental and physical, both are just as important to heal in these times. As for the suggestion, I think some more human Charlie could be fun to see. Some nice chill 'cat' lad : >


Awesome dude, I hope you continue to progress in your health and adjustment! (My Steven Universe bias is showing) but my suggestion would be maybe a fusion? Like Opal or Stevonnie or Smokey Quartz?? Or maybe even what would any pair of your OCs look like as a fusion!


Super glad to hear that you got the help that you need. Your mental health is always the most important thing! I would love to see some random sketches, honestly. Your character designs are the absolute best. So even just random one off designs would be super neat!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 10:39:03 I'm really happy to hear you're doing better <3 It can be really difficult to step up and seek help when it comes to Mental Health, as recovery isn't always linear, but I'm proud of you all the same, and with physical health too! You are important, and valid, and we love and support you!!! As for suggestions, would you ever consider doing short tutorials or maybe just speed-drawings of how you approach anatomy or movement? It's always been one of the things of your style that just blew me away- without actually animating you can literally *see* your drawings just move, purely from how good your gestures are! If not, I've been remembering that Yuri on Ice came out two years ago and we still have NOTHING and am a sad :,( so maybe one of those boys <3 Take care, stay safe, and know we love you to bits!! -Ria
2020-06-04 14:33:23 I'm really happy to hear you're doing better <3 It can be really difficult to step up and seek help when it comes to Mental Health, as recovery isn't always linear, but I'm proud of you all the same, and with physical health too! You are important, and valid, and we love and support you!!! As for suggestions, would you ever consider doing short tutorials or maybe just speed-drawings of how you approach anatomy or movement? It's always been one of the things of your style that just blew me away- without actually animating you can literally *see* your drawings just move, purely from how good your gestures are! If not, I've been remembering that Yuri on Ice came out two years ago and we still have NOTHING and am a sad :,( so maybe one of those boys <3 Take care, stay safe, and know we love you to bits!! -Ria

I'm really happy to hear you're doing better <3 It can be really difficult to step up and seek help when it comes to Mental Health, as recovery isn't always linear, but I'm proud of you all the same, and with physical health too! You are important, and valid, and we love and support you!!! As for suggestions, would you ever consider doing short tutorials or maybe just speed-drawings of how you approach anatomy or movement? It's always been one of the things of your style that just blew me away- without actually animating you can literally *see* your drawings just move, purely from how good your gestures are! If not, I've been remembering that Yuri on Ice came out two years ago and we still have NOTHING and am a sad :,( so maybe one of those boys <3 Take care, stay safe, and know we love you to bits!! -Ria