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 A concept for a location in Sararos, called Epitaph. Home to the source of arcane in their world.
The  source being from a jewel left after an enormous celestial creature died here. The Terabane (AKA the flower of Epitaph) embedded with the jewel, roots deep into the earth of Sararos and spreads its power like  blood through veins throughout the planet.
(Sararos is a collaborative world between my partner Tai and I. )

I'm not used to painting or backgrounds but I learned a lot doing this! I meant to do more things similar to this as I said last month but this took up most of my time as I tried to learn as I went.




The lighting in this is absolutely gorgeous. Your painting skills never fail to impress!


Is there a wallpaper size of this because I have a hell of a need


that's flattering! Though I don't think the resolution/shape of the piece would work as a desktop wallpaper