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At last, the update is here. As you might now if you read the comments in the previous posts, my wife has been dealing with severe depression and that has a heavy impact on my time and ability to write. I would love to say that the problem has been solved, but if any among you is familiar with depression, you already know that peace is just the time between one war and the next. Here's hoping it lasts.

Anyway, I have made you wait long enough. This chapter is twice the length of an ordinary one, so it should count for two. Also, whatever reservation you might have about the contents, know that despite appearances, the plotline is far from over.

Enjoy chapter 29 



Hey you gotta take care of family first...also, great chapter!


Not sure if I agree with the idea of this counting as two chapters just because it's twice as long as usual, but it's very nice to have you back regardless. And know that we're all with you in spirit at least as you help your wife in her fight against depression. We wish the both of you nothing but happiness. And I mean that sincerely. I take it that this incident only means the clan's elders are all the more interested in Shirou? Plus we have yet to witness the full aftermath that this debacle had on all the girls living under Shirou's care. And of course, we haven't even touched on the plotline of Kaolla and her family yet. That'll be... fascinating to say the least. So should we expect the next poll soon, or did you decide to go for a double update as was previously teased and write a chapter (or two) for Wings of Steel as well? Either way, I look forward to whatever you give us.


Oof. Those are some waves Shirou made, taking out Kyoko like that. At least he didn’t take a page out of his old man’s book and bring the building down.


Glad to see you back in action. I know all too well the pains families go through when working with a close family member that has depression. It doesn't better, and it doesn't get easier, but what it does do is put everything into perspective: Many people go through their daily lives without understanding just how important and precious every day is, and when these sorts of things come along that is when they are privy to just how fleeting things like normalcy and happiness can be. I've learned that the hard way with several close friends and family members, so I understand what you're going through. :) I do hope that things stabilize and then improve. It's an uphill battle, but you've made it this far my friend. Keep on at it! Looking forward to the next poll, and maybe this time we can post in a win for Wings of Steel! Lol (I had forgotten that you wrote POAWH and didn't even think to see if there were updated chapters here. HA HA Man, was I surprised to see six new chapters just waiting for me to read!)


Wishing you and your wife all the best Neoalfa! If you need to take time off to look after your family, that takes priority! We can always wait for more content, your family is honestly more precious in my opinion. The chapter was interesting as we got introduced more to the Urashima conglomerate scene. I'm interested in how they will react to Shirou and the Einzbern potentially. There were hints that they had an inkling that there was something fishy about their influence over the mundane institutions of the world. Looking forward to how you develop these plot threads! All the best and hope to hear from you soon!


Hi, Neoalfa. Can you publish your chapters with different formats? I can't read PDF with my phone - screen too small. How about fb2?