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Alright. Sorry for the long wait guys. 

Things have been quite hectic on my end but now they have settled.

Anyway, here we are with the poll results for this month's update.

Path of the King: 220 votes

Promises of a Wandering Hero: 96 Votes

On Wings of Steel: 166 votes

Therefore it's again a victory for Path of the King.

Well, most of you have called it and I guess you all want to see how the dynamics of the Emiya Household are going to develop now that Rider has joined our merry band of heroes. 

I'l start working on it right away. I plan to have the update by the 25th. This time there should be no delays.

Till then folks.



I’m not really all the surprised that Path of the King won the poll, but I’m slightly stymied by the fact that the 6th sorcery, King of Ashikabi, has once again failed to come to fruition. Ah well, better luck next time. Onwards to more shenanigans!

Eternity Smut

Oh well. I hope wings of steel gets update once in a while. The problem with the On wings of steel is that there's only one chapter, it's enough for people to decide if it's a good choice or not.


I hear you but at same time I think what may have potentially turned people off from it is that everyone Shirou has ever cared for in his life is straight up dead. That's a pretty hard pill to swallow there in contrast for both Path of the King and Promises of a Wandering Hero they are all still around and can add to action or hilarity of situation. That and you know if I remember right it uses Fate Shirou who ability wise is my least favorite Shirou. Personally I think it would be amusing as hell if it used HF Shirou who is paired with both Sakura and Rider and chaos caused by all these aliens trying to make a move on Shirou, Sakura, or even Rider herself. Considering how powerful Sakura is as a magus (magically speaking that is) I wouldn't be surprised if Homura get hit by a ton of bricks and instantly winged himself on her and chaos it would cause. Especially with Tsukiumi winging herself on Shirou and well you guys see where this goes probably lol:)


The other problem is that Sekirei x Fate/ Stay Night is utterly dominated by In Flight and its spin offs. Trying a new path will always make people wary of it as well. That being said, I feel the Neo is enough of a writer that he could easily blaze a new trail for that crossover. Plus, starting with everyone being dead means that Fate Shirou has far more regrets than even HF Shirou. It means more chances for serious character development and the possibility for original Sekirei always appeals to me.


Yeah Neo is a fantastic writer so seeing his spin of Shirou in Sekirei would indeed be fun to read. The only thing is that I like the premises of his other stories more lol, that whole everyone is dead bit really bummed me out. I'm not saying he still can't make it a great read it's just that well as mentioned before I like other Fate characters being involved, making cameos, or at least a few being alive.


To be honest the only xover of fsn/sekirei I can fully enjoy is Debt of a Sword. It's was fully written with each lines filled with emotions of the characters. I'm writing a new sekirei fic too and it's my goal to make as good as Debt of a Sword.