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Finally. The new chapter is here. I almost didn't think I'd make it before 2018. Yet here we are.

There is only one chapter this time because I couldn't find a good place to break the story, so it kept going on and on. 

Overall, it's a bit shorter than the usual 10k words, but I didn't want to fill it with useless stuff just to meet the word count. 

In exchange, I vow to make the next update even better.

Next week I'll put up the poll for the next story to be updated. As Path of the King has already had three consecutive updates, it's going to skip the next round.

Make sure to stay tuned and don't forget to leave a comment.

That said,  I wish you all a Happy New Year. Thank you for all the support you've given me in 2017. 

See you all in 2018!



Well that was good


Awesome! Rider has joined the party! I’m a little put off that Shinji basically got a slap on the wrist, though I suppose his true punishment will await him at home from his grandfather. Really loving how relaxed Caster is becoming with her joining with Shirou. The one thing that really aggravates me is how Shirou doesn’t follow up on asking about Sakura. Argh!!! Still, I’m loving this story and can’t wait for more. Hopefully Rider will begin to open up and her desire to protect Sakura becomes known.


Excellent chapter, really like how well you characterice everyone in it, can´t wait for more.


Awesome chapter. Wish you a happy new year


Good chapter


Amazing on the chapter. A few grammatical errors and missing words here and there (small, easily forgotten words). Amazing stuff though. I especially like how the relationship between caster and Shirou has fully solidified. It's a bit saddening that Shirou didn't follow up on the Sakura angle, but as shown in the story, he's basically got to prioritize. At the end of the day, he doesn't know the degree of Sakura's suffering, and it seems as though she's out of danger from the grail war, thus making it safe to focus of dealing with the grail.


How that fight went reminds me a lot of a scene in the Heaven's Feel movie, which is great ^^. And teasing with the consequences for the lack of communication was fantastic. It's going to be a tense wait for the next chapter for me.


oh no, I have to wait another month and even then there will be slow development on Rider/Sakura T_T. Awesome chapter, I expected Caster to handle Rider, but now Shirou got to explain Taiga about his household again!)