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And here we are with the promised update. Right on schedule too.

Chapter 40 is ready for your eyes only. Enjoy

Feel free to review the chapter in this post's comment.

Also, attached you can find the picture of Medea I promised you.

Do you like it?




Well, that was a very amusing interlude. The making of a tyrant indeed. I do like how off balance Medea is keeping Shirou and indeed I too as a reader was kept off balance by Medea's attitude to others being attracted to Shirou. I enjoy that Medea is avoiding acting stereotypically as a lover and that it conveys to me that she does have a deeper understanding of how Shirous mind works. Also full appreciation for the picture, it's always nice to have an acutal image to go with the text.


I am so glad I had off today and had the time to instantly read this. You write some truly amazing chapters, Neo.


And so Medea takes note of the harem situation and resolves it before it begins.


the picture is a mixed bag. The upper body looks fantastic, but the artist either sucks at drawing legs or simply was slacking off. Medeas legs look a bit too sharp. The shadow should be smoother. Holy moly on the right foot shadow as well. Looks weird af. If you actually paid for this piece, then go to the artist and tell him to FINISH THE JOB! by the looks of Medeas face and torso he is capable.