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Hi all,

We're doing just about as well as anyone else in the current climate. While I'm quarantined from my day job, we can still, of course, do most of our remote work from home... that is, what work we have left. At least we can still record more Cartoon Logic content for the duration! 

Speaking of which, we're unlocking all of the $10 features to $5 patrons for the time being. We hope what little extra we can offer helps in these trying times. I just posted my own commentaries for Hare Ribbin' and Moving Aweigh today, and commentaries for Hold the Wire and Royal Cat Nap were posted fairly recently, too.

If you've got requests for episodes and commentaries, we're all ears... Let us know in the comments! Thanks, and stay safe.





A whole episode on Emery Hawkins would be nice for the uninitiated. I can pick out his style so easily in the Art Davis WB shorts he animated under, but am curious about his Disney work as well. So much to cover with him IMO. Also, I hope you and Bob are doing fine in these trying, scary times.


I'd have to think about that! I need to learn more about the animation I've watched the most, but those are feature films... I mostly studied Disney animation but I actually know next to nothing about who animated what, especially since you only ever hear about the nine old men. So I'm looking forward to hearing your upcoming episode on Timber. And anything else you're putting out, because the less I know the more interesting it is! (I can list off favorite cartoons if you really want me to!)


I’m really digging your insights and theories on the backstory on these films. I’d like to listen to a commentary of a 30s Freleng that hasn’t been discussed much (Streamlined Greta Green and Dog Daze are personal favorites).


Lantz Oswald, the early stuff


Although I know this podcast deals first and foremost with *theatrical* cartoons, there's no rule against discussing *print* cartoons, either. Carl Barks and Walt Kelly are fairly obvious choices, but I for one would love to hear some more about some of the obscurer guys--maybe an episode on Dan Gordon?


Thanks for the price break. I donate $10 to the ACLU every month, so I just couldn’t justify another ten-spot. But a fiver is doable.