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Uh oh, looks like our favorite Omnic was sent out to catch a roaming omnic horse. It is pretty odd that she hasn't come back yet....

Eh, she'll be fine!

HQ: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/czauyookr99arnpo6ks08/FinalHonse.mp4?rlkey=lqbmoreb8n9om4wxaoad5rugh&dl=0


So wasn't able to include the inflation at the end of the anim. A lot of it was getting the horse model up and ready to be workable in the anim. It now is! So watch out for future stuff with the Omnic Honse, I def feel like I could implement the whole scenario better next time around. This anim came out a lot longer than I had planned, def gotta do better when it comes to planning out the length so I don't spend too long on one anim.

I think moving forwards the suggestion anims are all gonna be like a little bit shorter? Not too sure though. I know I did a whole thing of making anims the minimum length of 30 seconds, but in order to pump more out gonna have to make some concessions. I want to spoil y'all with good shitl. Also sorry for the lack of hiring a voice actor already. But uh, tbh this is one hell of an anim to introduce someone with so gonna keep it lax for now. I honestly think Bowsette will be the one. 




They want me 💙


Still, a fantastic work nonetheless. Don't think I've seen an omnic horse tho.