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The kink in question is Daddy/Son play haha.  They're very committed to the bit.  Declan (large ram) officially adopted Rhys (smol ram) the year before.  The sex went from amazing to mind blowing, and Rhys is extremely appreciative of his "daddy's" very large....bank account.



Revus Caeldas

Fellow lovely rams ramming each other 😔👌👌


I hoped so much you would draw those totally legally fucking ram men again! Thank you Jesus for inventing Kinktober and planting our beloved Forge's mind with this not-inc3st idea of his sexy blue sheep man dad/son fucking mind blowingly!! I have to agree, the hands and feet look very well done, almost deliciously so~ ...okay, plenty delicious! The pose itself looks really hard to pull off, but you did it! Anatomically stunning, as always, just look how those toes bend! I don't know how anatomically correct that anal dimple is tho, but damn, does it look sexy... must pay close attention next time if it actually exists...