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Werewolves don't change on the full moon.  They simply can't nut at all UNTIL the full moon @u@  Then they have no choice and it goes all night UuU n

Also I re-drew one of the Vulpera and Lizard pics with different brushes just to see which I liked better.  I'm uploading them in case anyone finds that interesting 8v




No nuts until the full moon @.@ that must feel amazing when they finally do get to nut!


Do I want to be the vulpera or the lizard dude? I’d certainly be giving the guy some sensation on his big extruded dick


Werewalves live the most amazing lives. (signs in envy) Always love to see alts! Really like lighting of sex rod in lizardmin's groin in 1st one!

Monsieur Foxy

Just saying..... Walfmins all need a vulpera(me) to empty their balls more comfortably.