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Some werewolves in Simon's world live and are raised completely outside society.  They are almost feral, speak very little English, and almost never venture into society.

This one, somehow, got a taste of some Mountain Dew Code Red.  He liked it so much he decided to try and trade for some more.  At a gas station.  With a huge hunk of deer meat.

The cashier is annoyed but will soon try to date him UuU n  I mean thats like 150$ worth of meat right there, what a good generous boy!




This gave me diabetes. <3


Man's got a nice tush!


Interesting world, Forge. Between this and pages 6-7 of At the Beach, the Weres are common enough or dare I say... accepted in everyday life that this sort of thing could happen without anyone batting an eye. And Big Boi here resorting to bartering for goods is kinda cute.


Happens all the time. Theyre usually homeless and soliciting sex because always horny. The ones that live feral lives are much more rare.


Thus we see a young wolf begin his courtship ritual with his chosen future cum-sock