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The hairiest guy you've ever seen approaches you from the woods.  He offers you a dead rabbit and REALLY wants to be your friend.  He is clearly a werewolf.  WAT DO?

Amulii from the book The Mark of Amulii (its very good/hot) https://howlingdusk.com/books/




I never could picture Amulii's human form that clearly in my head when I was writing him, but to see him here it really helps! <3 He's perfect


Who wouldn't take the offered rabbit and let him be their friend? <3


Both smiles are charming, one is just more drooly.


You know, I had to buy the book after I saw this post! And I‘m loving it! I‘m not through yet, only half way but gotta say, it was worth every penny as you are worth every! Now The pictures I have of everything while reading is heavily influenced by your art! God damn, I mean Amulli‘s human form here is drawn gorgeously! You really improved in drawing humans! I hope we will see more of him maybe? :3c