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An experiment.  Mixed results :S  I included just the lines in case you cant stand the awful color job hahah.

Once a season the King of the Dwarves and the Lord of the Elves honor a sacred rite of peace.  They strip and meet at the site of an ancient battle.  They then proceed to bang the ever loving christ out of each other.

Ebrun, King of the Dwarves, enjoys these meetings very much, but the slutty twink Elf Lord makes way too much goddamn noise.

Also some other doodles are there UuU n



Gavin the Black Knight

I like this style of Dwarf. A lot. Wow. :D I like the ocean too, is it black water, or just dark? Looks kinda apocalypse-y and that's also great ^w^


I think the first pic looks really cool! Also I'm just imagining the bunny boy's the text bubble say "horsecooock!" XD The horse has damn good looking pecs too!


Hottest fucking dwarf I ever did done seen, I'll tell you hwat.


I honestly love all the ideas and designs you come up with. I would never have thought of that for a design for dwarves I really love it! And I just looked back through Lygore, dude you were such an inspiration for a DnD campaign I played in as a bigol catfolk barbarian xD. I love your works color or no color ❤️❤️❤️