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Sure it will.

I watched the live action one last night and I gotta say I reeeeally kinda didnt like it.  

Beast looked not too great (and they gave him fucking calf muscles on his ankles which is like a rookie furry yerf mistake.)  Emma Watson was fine but all the other actors and I mean ALL of them were phoning it in hard core.

It's sucking the originals dick REAL hard.  I wish they'd just done something new.  The things they added or expanded upon fell flat or weren't expanded on enough.  Like the business with Beast and his apparently mean dad?  Or that new magic teleporter time travel book thing that made exactly one appearance and added not a whole lot to the plot.

It mostly felt like a TV movie with way too big a budget.




My niece got bored 20 minutes in and I was more than glad to switch to something else. If this Beast was in it though...


One can just imagine the size of a beast prince persons dick.