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The painting is a lil sloppy but I think it looks pretty good.

New characters for the Desmoterion!  You will see them soon in the comic OuO

They certainly love their jobs UuU  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfdqDpRV9jI


(No title)



Damn that lighting/ shading is phenomenal.


Nah, it's fiine

Adam Primaeros

seeing a Tori video here is a surprise (a good surprise)


I love seeing boys get along so well~


Hmm, Barbary is a FEMALE name but it's meaning is that of a barbarian. Oh, I can see him being mocked, because of his name. :P Was it intentional, or did you pick it because of the "barbarian" meaning?


I didn't listen to the song until just a moment ago, and bravo on the choice. It sets a terrifying scene. Gesturing to themselves and each other on beat with "I love my job, he loves his job" then pressing the hot iron into your side on beat with "It's a perfect job" jarringly inappropriate in their bounce and levity, at least from the perspective of whomever is their present "job."


Read a bit about them. So, that's why his mane extends all the way down. Small nerdy note: Barba in latin means 'beard', so the name most likely refers to their huuge manes. Ok, now I'll just shut up. :P

Monsieur Foxy

You know, the Big Cat santuary in Washington State still has a male Barbary Lion on display. He's getting really old though...