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Farm Life 1

Farm Life 2 

This section is definitely NSFW. Comments appreciated!


“H-hey!” I yelped, starting after her—only to trip over the lip of the basic and dump the rest of the water all over myself and the packed dirt floor. I picked myself right up afterward, ignoring how I’d banged my knee, and sprinted for the open barn door, looking out around the corner. Ivory was standing near and old water pump, checking the pockets of my clothes.

“Ivory!” I called. “That’s not funny, I need those!”

“Come get them!” She said.

“I can’t be seen naked!” I growled. “You know that!”

“Oh, that’s a shame,” she said. “You’re scared of being caught, even when there’s nobody else out here for at least a good mile. Ooh, is this your wallet?”

Grinding my teeth, I ignored protocol and sprinted out the door across the grass after her. She giggled and sprang away on nimble hooves, my pants streaming out behind her like a battle flag.

“Come on, farmhand! You can catch me!”

“This isn’t funny!” I said, my face burning red. At least the heat wasn’t a bother; and despite the fatigue from the job, I felt almost energized as I races across the open field after the laughing goat, springing over another fence as though she hadn’t a care in the world. I vaulted the fence, too, in a move I wasn’t sure I had in me, but I managed to land on my feet without tripping, and running after her, barely slowing down.

We must have run a ways before I even noticed where she was leading me, which was across another fence and into the goat pen. I even spotted some other goats off in the distance but kept my eyes locked on Ivory as she slipped through the doors of the shelter, by overalls whipping up behind. I kicked the door open. The place smelled of goats the moment I slid inside, but didn’t see the female anywhere.

“Ivory?” I called. The barn was quiet, all the pens empty. I didn’t see Ivory anywhere, making me wonder if she had leaped up and jumped out a window from on high—goats could do that. But then I heard a slight shift from up in the loft. Hurriedly, I scaled the ladder, and kicked aside a pile of hay, finally pounding atop Ivory and pinning her to the boards.

“Where are my pants!” I growled.

“I’ll tell you!” She giggled. “I just want you to do one thing for me.”

“I already chased you, I caught you. You want to play a game, we have already, and I—”

“I want you to fuck me,” she said, spreading her legs immediately.

Instantly, my angered expression dropped into the pit of my stomach. “Uh?”

“Stick your canine dick in me,” she said. “I think it’ll be great fun and you’re so cute.”

“N-now wait a second!” I stammered.  I started out trying to deny it, but my cock had apparently already said yes, ma’am, and extended out to full mast, exertion be damned. “Wait!”

But Ivory already was sliding her hands up and down my erection, and my brain absolutely melted. It’d been ages since I’d felt the touch of a female, and apparently my brain didn’t really care if this one was technically an animal. I hovered there, frozen for a long while, just letting the gentle, rough textures of her hands run along my sensitive length. I think my tongue fell out of my mouth as I spaced out dumbly.

“Come on, get it in there.” Ivory pulled herself back and guided my shaft into the open wetness between her legs. And it was quite soft and enveloping, the texture immediately turning lovely and smooth as silk. I wanted more of it. I pressed myself down atop Ivory, kissing her, trying to wrap that deep, pressing, warm closeness all around my aching body. She kissed back eagerly, and wrapped her legs around my hips. Locked in and around one another, I manically started thrusting in and out her her, our bodies pressed so tight there was hardly a bit of friction between us.

She was wet, soft, and her lower quarters jiggled with each soft plap as I pushed in and out of her. I hardly even noticed when my knot popped inside, besides the feeling of additional warmth—and it wasn’t enough. Pulling myself up, and bringing her hips up along with me, I pinned her by her shoulders to the floorboard, and braced my legs to thrust faster. Plap, plap, plap, the sounds were muffled in the quiet barn, added to only by out loud, needful panting between us.

I’d never actually gone that long with a girl before. Four solid minutes of just grinding into her, trying to coax my cock to give up its seed, even though it felt so numb. But eventually, with another push and a squeeze that pinched everything below from the back of my knees to my anus, I dumped every ounce of seed I’d built up into Ivory’s warm cavity. I saw stars; the needfullness was slowly, slowly washed over with a feeling of happiness, as my erection twitched more and more, and the orgasm slowly faded.

“Oh wow…” Ivory giggled, panting heavily. “The other girls are gonna love you.”

I blinked, and suddenly yanked out of her, backing up against the wall behind me. “W-what did you do to me?!”

“What?” Ivory sat up, grinning and nursing her woozy head. “We had sex. I wasn’t sure you wanted to, but Belle said…”

“No, no no no!” I whimpered, curling in on myself.

Ivory pouted. “Aw, what’s the matter?”

“What’s the matter?” I asked. “I can’t fuck animals! They’re going to take away my citizenship! I won’t be able to go home or see my friends again, ever!”

“Who told you that?”

I blinked. I looked down at my wet erection, still slick in the open air. “I uh… well, Darleen said…”

“She said you can’t be caught being naked around here, right?”

“Well, yeah…”

“Well, your overalls are just above us. Put ‘em back on and you’re a citizen again.”

I glanced up. Quickly I snatched the jeans from where they were wrapped around the main beam, but just shyly covered myself while I waited to put them on again.

“What’d you think was gonna happen?” Ivory asked.

“Darleen said you were gonna try and make me become an animal.”

“Pff. We don’t care about that. Everyone’s naked when they fuck, farmhand. Not a difference between citizen dogcock and animal dogcock.”

I supposed she was right. But even so, fucking an animal was just… not done. At least, any normal person wasn’t supposed to be doing it. I glared at Ivory, who wriggled her ears gleefully. Maybe she was honest about that, but if that was the case, why did they want to have sex with me? There were plenty of male and female animals around the farm…

Or, actually, the majority of them would have been female. Maybe that was it. They were trying to stake a claim on me. I couldn’t exactly feel bad about it; Ivory was probably the best fuck I’d ever had, given the circumstances, and I’d do it again in a heartbeat. I was thinking about doing it again right then.

But I wondered if there was something else to it. After all, I already had developed quite warm, post-coital feeling for Ivory. Even if they didn’t care that I became an animal, this kind of life, I’d certainly be tempted regardless. But if all I really had to do was get dressed when we were done…

Whatever, I thought. I could do both. I gently set my overalls down, and getting on my knees, I pulled Ivory up and closer to me, wrapping my lips around hers as the base of my cock pressed against the smooth wetness of her vagina. I just wanted that warmth again, and I didn’t care much if we’d fucked again or not. I just wanted to hold her.

I paused for a second, pulling away. “Uh… I do need to be getting back, they’re gonna wonder where I am if I’m not back for lunch.”

Ivory hummed, and then looking out the loft window, held up her fingers to measure the passage of the sun. “You still got twenty minutes.”

“Cool.” I kissed her again, getting our bodies locked onto one another again. And I would have been content to stay in that position for several more hours, but just a few minutes into our gentle grinding, I felt a tap on my shoulder. Pulling back, I blinked, swallowed, and turned, expecting to see Darleen looming over us with a dark expression on her face. But it wasn’t.

Standing there was a thick, bulky billy goat, muscular arms crossed, his giant erection hanging free.

“Hello there, farmhand,” he said, chewing on his cud. “What exactly do you think you’re doing with my Ivory?”



Loved it so far. I think the one issue I had was maybe Ivory could be a bit more sympathetic when she realized Sammy thought his life was ruined. Obviously she didn't know he didn't know she was just after a bit of fun, and wasn't trying to convert him. I think when she learns that, she could be a bit more sorry.


Batter up !