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Farm Life 1 

Well this is fun. Writing's probably a little rough, but if this ends up coalescing into something, it could be a story I could release all its own. Comments appreciated!


It was even hotter the next day. I was told the valleys provide shade, but I immediately missed having air conditioning. But I kept moving along as I promised, eating a breakfast that consisted almost exclusively of milk and eggs, after which Darleen took me to my first chore of my job.

“Really?” I asked, looking over the large mounds of drying grass. “That’s all you need me to do?”

“So you don’t really know the first thing about how farms work.” Darleen sighed. She wore more or less the same thing she had the day before, but with a hat on. I wished I had a hat at that moment.

“It’s just moving hay from one pile to the other.”

“Right. Grass needs to ferment to become hay. But fermenting crates gas, just like in bread and beer. And if they hay is too wet and compact at that point, it has a nasty tendency to catch fire.”

I took her point. Then I jabbed the pitchfork into the hay and attempted to lift up a wad, only to get a few strands on the end. Darleen threw her head back and laughed. I stared forlornly down the row of piled hay, which stretched on for probably the length of an acre.

“Keep the row even,” she said, gesturing to the thin patch of hay and bare ground where the long pile had laid before. “Gonna have to turn it several more times before it’s ready to be baled, but don’t wanna make more work that you oughta. Should be done by lunchtime.” Darleen turned and sauntered back to the office trailer in the distance, the long fur of her legs swishing with her. I started to jab the pitchfork into the hay to try again, but Darleen called back to me, “And stay away from the animals!”

I didn’t exactly know how to respond to that. Why as Darleen so convinced that I was going to go mingle with the farm animals, anyhow? I supposed that’s why I wasn’t picked to interact with them; most of the other farmhands had gone off to milk the cows and goats on the other side of the farm just over the hill. I hadn’t even seen hide or hair of a horse or sheep since I arrived. It was like I was being deliberately separated.

Whatever. I’d been teased and hazed through high school and college, and it rarely mattered to me much; usually I’d just prove that I couldn’t be flustered or bothered by it and it eventually stopped. I’d have their respect soon enough.

However, it was hot in the morning and it only got hotter the further the sun rose in the sky. Taking swigs from the canteen barely seemed to help, and eventually I just took my shirt off and tossed it over the fence. I really considered taking the overalls off, too, but my anxieties from the night before weren’t exactly quelled, and I wasn’t eager to be caught naked after Darleen’s warning.

I heard a sharp whistle behind me, and a dark female voice call out, “Yoo-hoo, farmhand!”

I froze in place, trying to tell myself that my face was burning from the heat and not the sudden embarrassment at a flirtatious voice. For a moment, I hoped it was another one of the farmhands, but when I turned I caught sight of three of the resident farm animals—a brown mottled horse, a red milk cow, and a rather spunky goat climbing deftly atop the fence that separated me from the animal pasture behind. All three female, grinning widely and giving me more attention than any animal had that I could recall. They were all waving at me, trying to catch my attention, and I turned back around to get back at my chores.

Don’t acknowledge them, I said to myself. I didn’t know what else I could do; staring at myself in the mirror the night before seemed to have torn down a barrier I hadn’t known was there. Those weren’t three animals standing there, neutrally. They were ladies. Absolutely naked. Just like ladies in pornography.

And I’d been tired, and exhausted this early in the morning from the heat. I tried to ignore the fact that underneath my overalls, my erection was just sliding out of my sheath unopposed.

“Aw, come on!” The lighter voice said, I supposed from the goat. “Don’t be a stranger, puppy! We’re just excited to see a new face.”

“Darleen warned me about talking to you,” I said, trying not to show exactly how much I’d have liked in that moment to go over and meet them.

I heard some whispering. Momentarily, the cow said in a deep brown voice, “Hey, boy, we’re just trying to be polite. Darleen’s got you turning hay in this heat, huh?”

“Yup,” I said, turning more hay.

“I’ll turn some of that hay for ya.”

I blinked, and turned around to look at the three put on varyingly innocent faces, staring up at the sky like I didn’t know what they were up to. I didn’t really know what they thoughtthey were gonna do, either. But the cow, who was rather large and well-fed, didn’t seem like the type to do farm chores on her own.

“Animals don’t do the chores,” I said. “You’re gonna neglect it and then get me in trouble.”

“Ugh!” The horse declared, and then she hopped the fence. I backed away, fork raised like I was going to block some kind of incoming strike, but she just grabbed the tool from my hands and started pitching the hay twice as fast as I had been doing myself.

“Oh…” I said. “Uh, thank you, but you really don’t need…”

“Name’s Rocket Surgeon,” she said, her muscles flexing as she worked the straw without much effort. “Nice to meet, you…?”

“Oh, I’m Sammy,” I said. “Rocket Surgeon? That sounds silly enough to be a racehorse name.”

“Yup,” she said, hefting and heaving the straw. I’d never actually seen a naked woman’s body flex like that in front of me before, and it was so mesmerizing I’d barely thought to listen to her talk. “Retired racehorse.”

My face felt so much hotter than before. It really must have been too much sun. “Uhh… what’s a… retired racehorse do on a farm, exactly?”

“Oh, based on my old record… I’m here to have foals, and those foals are sold to horse racers at a premium.” Rocket paused for just a moment to give me a pointed look. “Whenever the farm finds a stallion they can afford, that is.”

I tried to stand up straighter so my full erection wasn’t so obvious under my overalls. “I… I see…”

“And most of the time, that stallion gets here in the form of a bag of frozen sperm.” She laughed in a slightly goofy, charming way that showed off her flat teeth. “So it’s not all that fun… Really, they don’t give me a lot to do around here.” She went back to work. “Really, I’m all too happy to help out; there’s only so much running I can do.”

“Well… okay, but I really should be doing my job as well.”

Right then, the cow had waddled up behind me, and handed me another pitchfork. I turned to look up at her, trying not to consider I was looking at her face from between two massive breasts. She smiled and gestured behind her. “There’s some more tools in the barn back there. How long did Darleen give you?”

“Until noon,” I said faintly.

“Well!” The goat said, grabbing a pitchfork, and measuring the sun with her fingers. “It’s just after ten now. Between the four of us, I think we can knock this out in just twenty more minutes.”

“Uh…” I uttered, and the cow dropped an extra pitchfork in my arms before swaying her massive hips to the other side of Rocket. Still gaping after her, I was startled when the goat took my hand and shook.

“I’m Ivory,” she said. “And little miss thunder thighs over there is Belle.”

“Why are you helping me?” I asked.

“Cause Darleen has a bad habit of overworking the new guys.” Ivory giggled. “Bet you’re out of water already, huh?”

I shook the canteen. Down to a few drops. “…yeah, you’re right.”

“Well come on, take a swig, we should be able to finish before anyone notices, then you can take some time to cool down. Imagine the look on her face when you stroll back to the farmhouse for lunch looking fresh as when you woke up!”

I made a few furtive glances in the direction of the office trailer, but it was rather far off. So, I smiled at Ivory and the others. “Uh… thank you. I really appreciate it.”

“No thanks necessary, hun.” Ivory kissed me on the cheek. Before I could even react, she bounded all the way to the other side of the row and started flailing about at the hay. I hesitated, and walked awkwardly until the exertion finally forced my erection to recede, and took up the space between Belle and Ivory.

The goat was right, and not too much later, Rocket had finally heaved the last strands of hay to the second pile. And I was ready to collapse.

“God damn!” I said. “It’s so hot out here, how do you stand it?”

“You get used to it,” Rocket said, helping me up. “But it’s probably gonna take some adjusting. There’s a faucet down in the barn in you need more water.”

I groaned at the little shed on the next hill. “It’s so far away though…”

“No problem!”

With little effort, she picked me up by my arms and swung me around. I yelped, and clutched onto her. I’d never actually ridden a horse before, just less bareback. But all Rocket had to do was arch her back to give me a little room, and I was sitting atop the small of her back, my legs straddled around her hips. She reached back and grabbed hold just under my thighs. “Just hang on, pumpkin,” she said, and she took off like a shot, leaping over the fence without much effort at all.

I think I fell in love right there. And I tried to tell myself it was love the way horse girls loved horses, for their majestic beauty and whatnot, but with the hot wind flowing past my ears, and the soft earthy scent of her mane, and the rippling flow of her muscles against mine as we glided effortlessly across the fields, and everything

We were there before I knew it, and Rocket helped me off her back. I felt drunk, probably from all the heat, at which point Rocket turned on the faucet and sprayed a burst of water at me from the hose. I sputtered, and she laughed, tossing the hose to my dirty feet. “Get yourself cleaned up and I’ll take you for another ride.”

“I really shouldn’t…” I said.

“Your choice, pumpkin,” she said with a shrug, and turned and left me alone in the barn.

I drank as much water as I could handle. Leaving the hose to fill up a basin, I quickly took a leak near the door, peeking out to check and see where the girls had gone. I didn’t see them crossing the field or anything to catch up to me; it looked like they really just wanted to help out. I had to consider this against Darleen’s words—after all, I was still “in charge”, right? They were helping me. They hadn’t done anything to convince me to be an animal, or even tried to take me away from my task, or anything.

Even so, I was grateful for the cold water, when I finally left my overalls behind and stepped into the basin, sighing and letting the hose run over me. I really hoped I did get used to the heat, because it was only going to get hotter. In particular, I let the rivulets stream over my overheated sheath, which I really needed to tame.

When I was finally feeling less like my blood was boiling in the heat, I heard a knock at the barn door behind. For some reason, I imagined the government inspector had suddenly rolled around to catch me naked—for a good reason—and I was going to be instantly branded an animal. I don’t know why I thought that so quickly, but I turned like a shot, to see Ivory standing there at the open door of the barn.

She lifted up in one hand my overalls, stuck out her tongue, and sprinted out the door.



Really like this world you've put together. Came off very effortless. I wonder what kind of room there is for some twists and turns. I'd imagine we'll see the sexual side of the story heighten, but I'd bet there's room to complicate things, depending on how much of this you see yourself writing. Like, Darleen is set up to be the one he'd have to hide his actions from, should he be coerced into something promiscuous. I bet some extra complexity could be introduced to that relationship. Just one idea!


Oh noes! So mean.