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Moving In 

Well, Edolon asked for it and now you're all going to live to regret me outlining, for you, the unnecessarily complicated mechanics of Campus Avenue presented in a group meeting where they talk about research. Comments appreciated! If you can get through this nonsense!

EDIT: forgot to delete a paragraph that I'd already rewritten into a better form


Tanni sifted through the cards that Reed and Clay had filled out, and typed the results one-handed into the spreadsheet. Besides the cards, she’d also written out her experiences longhand, including as many details as she noticed or recalled, and was already preparing to set up video cameras in the two’s apartment the following day once they’d consented.

Vague data wasn’t the easiest thing through which to filter out hard facts, but the student group was at least confident their working hypotheses held some kind of secret. Since the Central University student groups started collating data on this since 1960, Reed and Clay were the six hundred fifty-seventh (and -eighth, they weren't sure how they would count a duo yet) recorded individuals to stand on the pillars, so there was a lot of data. Nearly all those students who’d stood on the pillars completely lost any sense that something was out of the ordinary within the week, hence the importance of collecting the data sooner rather than later.

The two roos were also extremely fun to bang, which was her favorite part of the interview. She had to learn if they made mistakes during sex, after all! Tanni was still thinking about Clay’s cock in her, and sucking on Reed’s dick, as she leaned back in her desk chair and massaged her own clit. Twisting her hips and straightening herself on the wooden library chair, she moaned and orgasmed into her hand.

God, those two… I wonder what it is about getting in the middle of a couple that’s so exciting…

Then, Tanni suddenly had an idea, as she sat straight up and tabbed over the the graph data. It was one of those weird things about the mind, that orgasms just brought a sudden clarity of thought—more medical research needed to be done yet, and it was one of her lines of inquiry she’d planned as a potential dissertation.

“It’s retroactive…” Tanni said to herself. “So what if it’s the other way around?” Wiping off the wetness on her thigh, she sat straight up and typed out a report based on the graphs, and on finishing it, printed out ten copies at once. Tanni reached into her giant box of prong folders for ten (she’d bought several cases of them wholesale), and on each one wrote the names of the other students in the group.

The meeting opened with a quick, five-minute round of group sex. When everyone had come at least once, there was a knock at the door, and Reed and Clay both entered the small classroom. The meeting was fairly casual, but the two kangaroos had showed up dressed with a bit of formality. They each wore a hoodie, Reed’s gray with green sleeves and Clay’s a bright, vibrant yellow. Tanni introduced them to the rest of the group.

“Oh, these are the two who stood on the pillar yesterday!” Haley said, taking each of the roos by the hand and giving them each a kiss on the lips. The large photography major, a female porcupine, hadn’t bothered dressing at all. She only had a gold bangle on each wrist and her ankles, which was fine because Tanni just loved looking at all of her gorgeous round body. From the way Clay’s sheath twitched, he enjoyed ogling the round female, too, and he casually cupped one of her large tits to feel it. Haley giggled, and pressed Clay’s hand closer, letting his thumb brush over her large, dark areola.

“You missed the orgy,” Tanni said as she set up the slide projector.

“Oh, don’t mind us,” Reed said. “We’re just observing. You don’t mind?”

“No, not at all.”

“Thanks!” Reed pulled Clay away from kissing Haley, then took up a seat on the edge of the classroom. Haley waved at them both while she took a seat, with Clay blushing and waving back. He then turned, slid down to his knees and started sucking off Reed, wrapping his arms around his husband’s hips. Reed leaned back in a comfortable state of bliss.

Tanni affixed her reading glasses over her muzzle as she stood behind the podium. “Okay, so! These are the new graphs, and they include the preliminary interview results with Reed and Clay. As you’re aware, we haven’t had two people stand on one of the stonework pedestals before. But given the data they provided, I don’t think there was any appreciable difference in how the pedestals worked. While Reed and Clay each had some differences in their responses, for the most part they lined up. So once again, we have disorientation—not surprising, it’s the only symptom that is fully accepted as fact—but we once again observe, as with previous subjects, a number of unforced errors as it concerned basic facts about the world.”

Reed blushed in embarrassment, though nobody regarded him save Tanni, who’d just noticed his expression from the corner of her eye. The rest of the students had their notebooks out and were scribbling down their thoughts, or sneaking in a few quick rubs of their genitals. Tanni was pretty certain that Louis, a slender liberal arts goat with a pair of thick nerdy glasses, was sitting on a rather large dildo affixed to his seat, given he was fully erect and his normally slim gut bulged as though he’d just eaten. He scribbled notes down, too.

“Okay,” Haley said, flipping back through her notebook, “So, for the running tally based on pillar-standers. What would you say is the most likely thing that Reed and Clay caused to change in reality?”

“Actually, I wanted to discuss our analysis,” Tanni said. “Because for the most part, we’ve just been guessing what changed each time based on where the perceived changes were the ‘strongest’. I submit to the group a different analysis metric.” Tanni changed slides; this time the dates on the bottom axis ranged from 1960 to 1990. “So I’m using this data as an example. These points, the original Unusual Happenings chapters gathered several decades ago. There’s more than just these lines, but I’m limiting it to these five for example sake; more lines line up with this data than just the ones shown here, but I included the in-depth analysis in the packet I gave each of you. The red one shows pillar-standing students finding it unusual that they had fur. Blue line is which were unaware of how far their muzzles jutted out. Orange line is ones who were observed forgetting to mind their tails when passing through a door, et cetera.”

Louis grunted, and, adjusting himself on his seat, he orgasmed and squirted all over Laramie’s back. After he took a deep breath, he immediately resumed his notes. “I see,” he said, flipping through Tanni’s booklet. “I’m assuming this is all the data that’s been accepted as the basis for the ‘human’ hypothesis.”

Tanni nodded. “Yes, I wanted to be sure we were starting from an accepted correlation of data so it doesn’t sound like I’m going off on a wild tangent here. But you’ll notice if I take data points that suggest that the students used to be human, while they do reach their highest with Anna Lin in 1975, they nearly cease entirely when Forrest Redford reported no such errors in 1987. So here’s my suggestion—rather than Anna Lin being responsible for the shift from humans to multiple species of people, I believe it was either Forrest Redford, or his predecessor, Johnny Burris one month before, who caused this change—and I’m strongly leaning toward Burris.”

Haley crossed her arms over her large breasts and gave Tanni a concerned look. “What makes you think that? Why would evidence of no change be evidence of change?”

“Because!” Tanni started bouncing in excitement so much her breasts bounded in tight circles. “These changes are retroactive. Now, when people try to visualize retroactive change in history, they think that it starts now and just changes history behind us where it already happened. But that’s not really the case! People lived the new history; it has to be experienced on some timeline. But then, the future of that timeline is also changed. So, when Redford stepped on the pillar, the reason that he didn’t experience disorientation in regards to tails or muzzles or any of these other data points was because he was already used to it. From his point of view, he stepped onto that pillar as a tiger and stepped off it a tiger—that was not his change.”

The students took this in with a lot of hums and murmurs. It had been a leap of logic, but they couldn’t really dispute that it explained succinctly why certain errors seemed to vanish suddenly.

Louis bucked and arched his back as he came all over the back of the seats again, then pulled himself upright with heavy breaths. “So what you’d be proposing is that students stepping on the pillars are actually experiencing multiple changes all at once—their own change, and any number of retroactive changes?”

Tanni nodded. “This may also explain why disorientation is less severe than it was in 1960. If we think of it as multiple timelines, the first student recorded who stepped on a pillar in 1960, Carrie Best, experienced one change in her timeline. Then Gabriella Cherry stepped on a pillar in 1961, and she experienced one change—but it also retroactively caused Carrie to experience two changes instead. A split in the timeline. For most of these, they’re not going to cause much problems—I figure this mostly would allow us to pinpoint major changes, such as the change from human to a multi-species world. If, say, the only thing someone changed on a pillar was that they suddenly received a sandwich retroactively, it wouldn’t exactly cause a massive ripple in the timeline. But even so. That’s six hundred plus changes that Carrie experienced in this timeline.”

“But why branching timelines?” Louis asked. “Why can’t standing on the pillars just create one timeline each?”

“They’d have to branch,” Laramie said. The tall, golden lioness was particularly curious about this because she also had been one of the pillar-standers. “In my case, we pretty universally agree I was previously male, and retroactively became female when I stepped off.”

Haley giggled. “Yeah, I remember you trying to masturbate with a penis you don’t have. That one’s obvious.”

Laramie blushed. “The point being, that means I personally have at least two timelines—before I stepped on the pillar, and after. That is a branched timeline already. I can’t have stepped on the pillar as a female, otherwise there would have been nothing to change.”

“And assuming that the willful change theory is correct,” Haley said, a wet finger raised, “A female Laramie would have no reason to step on the pedestal in the first place; as you experienced it in this timeline, part of the timeline change is that you simply did the Campus Avenue walk for fun, and were just compelled to stand on the pillar for what only seems like no reason, just so both your male and female timelines line up. However, I’m wondering about the other side of this paradox.”

“Which other side?” Tanni asked.

“Assuming that these branches are all converging onto our timeline, that would suggest that we, the ones who never stepped on any pillar, are currently aware of every change these pillars are ever going to make.”

“Not necessarily,” Tanni said. “We aren’t necessarily on the final timeline. I think, perhaps, our current timeline is only experiencing retroactive continuity up to a point. There was some timeline in which there were humans, and they experienced the human timeline up until Burris changed it.”

“So what would have happened to that timeline?”

Tanni opened her mouth to reply, but bit her lip. “Uh… well, I’m not sure. Maybe what happened is that in the human timeline, when Burris stepped on the pillar, the pillars simply failed, and never work again. And there’s still a human timeline out there.”

Louis got a cold look on his face. He stood up, the large purple dildo that’d been lodged in his ass sliding out with little effort as he took a serious stance. “Tanni, the pillars are powerful,” he said with his arms cross. “Any timeline in which the pillars simply ‘fail’ to work could itself have extreme consequences for, you know, linear time.”

“I couldn’t say for sure,” Tanni said, warily measuring her words. “I’m not sure we can really know that because we don’t have a way of seeing these timelines.”

“Well, dammit, Tanni!” Louis threw his arms up. “You said yourself, and we’ve all noticed, the errors are decreasing. Something is going to happen when we hit the cause of our current timeline, and ‘I don’t know’ isn’t really comforting when we’re talking about a world-changing event. Our timeline might come to an abrupt end!”

“I didn’t say it was going to!” Tanni said. “We don’t have any evidence that it will. This is all just hypotheses.”

“Yeah, but the problem is that you made sense.”

Clay pulled his mouth off of Reed’s cock and leaned on his husband’s leg. “I dunno, I’m lost entirely.”

“I thought you were a science major,” Louis said, flipping through his folder of notes that Tanni had given him. “Do you not know multiverse theory?”

“Well yeah, I watch nerdy stuff too,” Clay said. “But that’s just science fiction, isn’t it?”

The room grew very uncomfortably quiet. The two roos were new, after all, and the stonework pillars weren’t the only weird thing about Central University. But Tanni really didn’t want to scare them off; they were very cute, handsome boys, and she was looking forward to sharing a bed with them for at least a few more nights. To collect any residual data she’d missed, of course. And fucking.

“You know what?” Tanni shut off the projector. “I think maybe we need to meditate on this. I’m going to share this data with the message board and see if anyone really thinks I’m onto something or I’m just blowing my load into the wind. Oh, and Laramie brought cookies and lemonade if anyone wants any.” Tanni surreptitiously munched on a sugar cookie shaped like a dick.



Well that was an enjoyable read Have a few hypocrites about the world, multi branching realities splitting and merging, effects flowing backwards through them Ya, it is concerning what does happen when the 12th or 13th person from now stands on a pillar? Also what other weird things don’t Clay and Reed know? I’m sure we will find out in time, can’t wait to more stories are told


Dick cookies, awesome ;)