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Federick wanted a prequel to Campus Avenue when Reed and Clay met Tanni. Well, I'd been planning to save some of this for the comic, but I really don't know how much will get in, so I decided to just tell a good chunk of it right here. Comments appreciated! And it's NSFW out the gate and throughout!!


Although Reed and Clay had only walked down Campus Avenue once, they’d walked down it once at least twelve different ways. Every time it was a middlingly cool, overcast day in early autumn, every time they walked up as two good friends and stepped down with wedding bands on their fingers, which had always been there. Most times, Reed and Clay just expressed their love with a kiss.

This time, naked to the world and before all their peers, Clay knelt down and slid his lips around Reed’s erection, without even feeling a small sliver of embarrassment. At first, Reed felt a sudden twinge of eyes on him, fear that the campus security would, despite the sacred nature of the six stoneworks, find them and arrest them for public indecency. The thought quickly left Reed’s mind like a dream on waking, and soon he’d forgotten such things entirely as he held one hand between Clay’s ears and slowly, gently, thrust against the wet, stippled texture of his friend’s—his husband’s—soft tongue.

The sky rumbled with thunder, and there was a flash like all the light in the world had separated into its constituent prismatic shades. It did nothing to discourage Reed or Clay, they kept still as though a force was holding them down in place, a comforting hand wrapped around the two of them. Clay opened his eyes, looking up at his husband lovingly—needfully—twisting his muzzle and his tongue this way and that as though he’d had chance to practice for years.

Despite the overwhelming, electric pleasure running though his legs and up his spine, Reed felt strong and sturdy, like he could hold onto his seed for as long as he wanted, perhaps. But he already had lost his sense of time as the world washed away; had they been standing and kneeling in this position for a minute? For years? He could stay here forever, but as loved as he felt, as invited as he was to stay in this position for all time, there was yet more to see and do.

Reed clutched the back of Clay’s head with both hands, and almost on command, released his seed into Clay’s mouth. Clay closed his eyes peacefully and drank it down like water from a fountain, not in the least startled or surprised.

When Clay pulled back, a string of spittle sliding out from between his mouth and the end of Reed’s clean, softening cock, they were both at first too startled to move. But the hand that’d been holding them released, and they stepped down together, hand in hand, and finished crossing the rest of the brick-laid path of Campus Avenue.

Blushing with excitement, they were so elated they could scarcely stand to make eye contact again, even as they wrapped around the back of the ancient stoneworks and gathered up their clothes and backpacks. But they didn’t bother dressing. Plenty of students were already laying out in the open grass half or utterly naked, and the better part of them in the middle of coitus. This only itched slightly at the back of Reed’s brain as unusual, though he couldn’t tell why. Were all the students in those positions when they started to cross? Perhaps something had changed.

They returned to their apartment, just on the edge of the university campus. It was a nicer space than the dorm rooms, fitted with boxes of both Reed and Clay’s things and very little furniture. They’d just arrived on campus two days ago and had hardly had any time to unpack. But they didn’t think about it at the moment.

Clay finally turned his gaze back to Reed, and Reed back to Clay. Their hands, their bodies trembled. Clay pressed his naked body into Reed’s, in part to steady himself, but also in part because he so badly desired to feel that warm, rippling feeling of Reed’s nude form against his own.

“…Reed?” Clay asked.

“Y-yeah?” Reed’s voice trembled. He was crying, he was so happy to hold his husband this close, it felt like he’d never done it before. But that was silly.

“What exactly happened?”

“Uh… w-well, we did the Campus Avenue walk,” Reed said. “And… we managed to step onto one of the platforms.”

“Yeah, but why do I feel like I just walked out of a car crash completely unscathed?”

“I-I don’t know,” Reed said, rubbing his muzzle against Clay’s. “I mean, the rumor is that when someone steps onto one of the pedestals, they change.”

“But what changed?” Clay asked. “Nothing really jumped out as unusual, I just… suddenly have an overwhelming urge to suck you off and not stop for anything.”

Reed blushed lightly. “Are you gonna?”

Clay nodded quickly, and immediately fell to his knees. He wrapped his mouth around Reed’s cock again, which hadn’t grown erect until prompted. Reed hummed and moaned, pressing back against the wall immediately inside of the door. It was a familiar, cozy feeling to have Clay sucking him off; they of course had done so hundreds of times, but every time still felt like Reed returning home to a roaring fire on a snowy winter evening.

Reed’s heart raced with joy, though he was at first concerned that the whole ordeal was one-sided, at least until Clay adjusted his seated position and, grabbing the end of his own tail, carefully slid it up his anus. It had just enough length and curve to it to fit, and Clay’s own erection grew instantly as his tail pumped gently in and out of himself.

“You can use my tail if you want…” Reed moaned. “Or… I think the toys ended up in the toiletries box…”

Clay pulled off of Reed’s cock only long enough to say, “no time,” then went back to sucking.

Reed twisted his shoulders in a fit of pleasure, and his legs quaking, this time he couldn’t exactly hold back forever. He gasped, and clutching Clay’s head, he came again, and Clay swallowed. But there was no waiting.

Of course there was no waiting. You didn’t need to wait between orgasms. Was that ever a thing? Reed tried to keep that in mind before it faded; maybe that was the thing that changed. But Clay was already sucking more, and Reed’s dick stiffened right up again, filling the whole of Clay’s muzzle.

Clay, too, came, moaning just slightly into Reed’s member, and he bucked his hips. A long, thick string of his cum slathered like toothpaste all over Reed’s tail, sticking straight down to keep his balance.

They kept on like this for some time, until Reed had utterly lost track of the amount of times either of them had come, when there was suddenly a knock at the door. Clay didn’t stop his fellatio, as he’d said.

“It’s open,” Reed said. Despite his head swimming with the pleasure of a dozen orgasms, he was perfectly clear-headed enough to answer the door. Of course he was, it wasn’t like sex or orgasms impaired people. Was that something different? Was Reed keeping track of things that’d changed? What was the other thing he’d noticed.

The door popped open, smacking Clay’s hip. Clay suddenly winced, his teeth pressing against the base of Reed’s cock, but it was hardly enough to do more than squeeze Reed with a little more excitement.

A female cat, tan with darker stripes, peeked her head in. “Oh, I’m sorry,” he said. “Do you want me to come back later?”

“Nah, this is fine,” Reed said, clutching Clays’ head and orgasming into his mouth. The amount of seed per shot has lessened, but every orgasm had a minimum floor; he never fired dry. “Have a seat. Want to fuck?”

“Maybe soon,” the cat giggled. She pulled herself all the way in the door. Besides the bookbag she carried on her shoulder, the cat wore just a red bandanna—and she had really nice tits, too, the kind Reed could imagine wrapping his entire hand around each and squeezing like Clay’s ass.

She reached out and shook Reed’s hand, which he had to take off of Clay’s head. “My name’s Tanni, I’m on the Unusual Happenings student group.”

“I’m Reed, this is Clay.”

Clay pulled his face off of Reed’s genitals for the briefest moment. “We’re married,” he said, before resuming his sucking and slurping.

“Aww, that’s adorable!” Tanni giggled. “Freshmen?”

“Yeah, we just got here two days ago. Tour, orientation, we’d just finished signing up for classes when Clay asked me to do the Campus Avenue Walk, which I assume is why you’re here.”

“Yup!” Tanni said. “There’s all sorts of weird stuff like that around here and we’re trying to increase the documentation of the stoneworks in particular. As I was told, you stood on one of the pillars?”

Reed nodded. Clay nodded too, his spade-like ear turned back to Tanni politely as he tried to quiet his sucking noises.

“You’re aware this is unusual?” Tanni pulled a pad of notepaper and a pencil from her bag and scribbled down notes.

“Yeah, I think so,” Reed said. “I attempted to stand on Platform C, but…”

“You couldn’t?”

Reed shook his head. “It was like a big weight suddenly falling on my chest as I remembered something awful happening to me…”

“What was it?”

Reed winced. “Can we come back to that question?” He felt his dick soften a smidgen at the question, and he really didn’t want to discourage Clay from stopping, he was in such a nice mental place and didn’t want to leave.

“Of course. But some things I’m gonna ask are gonna be a bit invasive, but I want to assure you the Unusual Happenings group takes student privacy very seriously.”

“Oh I believe you,” Reed grinned as he bucked and shot another load into Clay’s hungry mouth. “I probably just need to think on it for a while before I feel comfortable talking about it…”

Tanni nodded. “So you attempted to stand on Platform C, felt a strange weight, but then ran to stand on Platform A?”

Reed nodded. Clay gave a thumbs-up.

“And according to the people watching, you kissed, then Clay knelt down and sucked you off like he’s doing now, and you walked back to the apartment here.”

“Yeah, that’s about it,” Reed huffed. He bucked his hips a little more, trying to encourage Clay to not slow down. Clay got the hint and redoubled his mouth movements, bathing Reed in another wash of delight.

“So did you notice anything different?”

Reed opened his mouth to say something, but suddenly found himself at a loss for words. He’d noticed several things, in fact, but he was having a very hard time remembering what they were. And it wasn’t because the sex distracted him; the sex focused him; he was so safe and secure he should have had the time and mental space to recall anything, but it just felt so slippery.

“That’s usual,” Tanni said. She pulled two cards from her bag, handed one to Reed and passed the other over Clay’s shoulder. “Take a look at this list and see if anything jumps out at you.”

The card was a nice thick stock, professionally printed with a soothing violet background, and thin yellow text in two columns. There were check boxes next to each item on the list. At the top was the header, “I feel or have a suspicion that…” and each item completed the sentence. “… something about my personal history used to be different.” “…something about my physical body is different.” “… someone was a different sex/gender than before.” They started out fairly general but got more specific as the list went on.

Clay suddenly paused as he looked at the card, and pulled his mouth off of Reed entirely, and removed his tail from its lodge. “Uh…” he started. “This thing right here, ‘I used to be a virgin’.”

“What about it?” Tanni asked.

“What’s a virgin?”

“Oh, that’s a rare word that means someone who hasn’t ever had sex before.”

Clay blinked. “I… think… I remember that. Like, that was me, or something.”

Tanni tilted her head. “Reed? What about you?”

“I dunno,” Reed said, pulling himself upright as his penis softened back flaccid. “I don’t think I’ve ever heard the word ‘virgin’ before, but nevertheless, something about that just feels familiar. Like this other item. ‘I had an urge to cover myself with more clothes than necessary.’ That feels familiar but I didn’t really think I had an urge.”

“That’s part of the problem,” Tanni said. “We believe that the pillars may have some retroactive effect on history.”

Clay turned to sit on the entryway linoleum, looking up at Tanni. “What do you mean by retroactive?”

“Like, everything you know is right and true about the world may have only become a fact about the world because of the pedestals. Like, for instance, there’s a theory that at one point, the population of this world wasn’t a multitude of species, but only one species of person. We’ve been doing some research and think the old word ‘human’ may have referred to this hypothetical proto-person, though we’re having a hard time reconstructing what it may have looked like. But even though we all used to be one of these ‘humans’, everyone’s entire history was instead rewritten to be one of dozens of different-looking species.”

“Oh so it’s like Mandela Effect stuff,” Clay said. “I dunno if I believe that, that’s more just the mind playing tricks on you, isn’t it?”

Reed righted himself to a more comfortable standing position, pulling his tail up and sweeping his hand along the underside, then looking at his open palm curiously. Tanni’s ear’s perked and her eyes widened.

“What?” Reed asked.

“What was it you were doing just now?” Tanni asked. “Don’t think, just answer.”

“Oh, uh, Clay had come all over my tail at least twenty times in the past several minutes, but…”

Tanni’s sharp teeth flashed as she grinned. “You’d entirely forgotten for a moment that semen evaporates within thirty seconds?”

Reed blinked. “Well, of course it does, I just… yeah. I forgot. I don’t know why but I forgot for a second.”

“That’s really interesting…” Tanni scribbled that down in her notes, then chewed the end of her pencil as she looked over it. Then, throwing the notepad back into her bag, she bounced cheerfully, letting her breasts bob with her. “Okay! Something to think about. You two want to spit roast me on the couch now?”


Kit Foxboy

This completely recontextualizes the whole story and I love it! I’m truly fascinated by the possibilities. Are we dealing with parallel universes that stem from the desires of its inhabitants like some inverse Silent Hill? Are we looking at one person’s fantasies made real, or a collective? Have their memories changed or are they experiencing some crossover effect with alternate versions of themselves living alternate lives? Genuinely intriguing for a primarily porn based setting.


I like how it sets up a lot of the stuff that goes into the comic and explains more things; perhaps it wouldn't be a bad idea to still repeat some of this in the comic. (And yes, hot) One thing, based on their personalities - might you have accidentally swapped around Clay and Reed's names again? Like, Clay is usually the timider one questioning reality the most, and Reed is the confident one - and a few other details