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Strange as it may sound despite everyone else's opinions, I think she's got a point. The way it's going, the relationship is feeling like Hildegarde going "I can fix her!" That's a bad motivation for a relationship. On top of that, all give and no take can be pretty bad for the taker as well, especially seeing how Hilde seems like she wants to push it on Adrian like it or not. And a lot of the comments seem to be saying, "LET HER FIX YOU!" as well, though I admit I'm used to seeing that kind of sentiment in romance fans, heh heh.


There is, true. Though it's coming across (to me) as 'I'm going to help you in the way I think is best and your opinions don't matter.' And while sometimes that may be necessary in the case of self-destructive behavior or mental illness, trying to mix it with romance is a recipe for disaster.


I have such little patience for this. If someone tried to throw a pity party because they thought my other partners were more financially stable than them, I would assume it means we have fundamentally different ideas about what makes a relationship valuable. Like, if you really have nothing better to offer me than money and are leaving because you don’t have money, than I guess I misunderstood how you feel about me ?? :/


It's an expectation of not wanting to economically slow someone down. People handle various levels of economic instability in various ways. The thing is, a lot of the time a person is unable to see there own potential in contributing to a life together. Relationships are complicated. XP