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Hello everyone, I wanted to make a PSA regarding updates in the near future. I have been experiencing muscle spasms in my dominant hand and wrist since yesterday, and when the spasming stop my arm still feels very numb. I've never had such problems before, but I know how serious it can become if I'm not careful. Therefore I have decided to take it "easier" for a while.

At this point in time, I cannot afford to pause Patreon for a month, but thankfully I have enough unposted sketches and artworks to keep the place updated at its usual schedule. So everything will be going on as usual. I only wanted to let you know the reason why you might be seeing less polished sketches or more SFW illustrations and wips/steps/behind the scenes this month, since those don't take as much of a strain on my hand.
Thank you so much for your choosing to support the page still 🙏 I promise I'll take care of myself and get back to normal soon!
