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My new R18 sketchbook just arrived at my friend's place, and they kindly sent me some pics~
It's a collection of my nsfw touken ranbu fanart, and will be available for purchase at Y/con Paris on 3th and 4th December.

This is very short run print and will probably only be available at Y/Con, much of the art in this book is already present on my patreon page, if you browse the "touken ranbu" tag, but there's a couple unpublished sketches here and there. After the con, I would like to make the PDF version available to all Patrons for a limited period of time, along with the first volume (a Free! themed one), so keep an eye out for updates in December!




I love that you've titled your sketchbooks SPECIAL YAOI BOOK (and that there are two of them!), got an good giggle out of that one. I'll keep my eyes peeled!


I love the title! I hope you have fun with the con and I'm excited for the pdfs! :D


Ohhh so excited for the PDF ❤️


This looks nice! May I know at which booth you will be so I can come by ? :)


awesome! I won't be there but I hope it sells like hot cakes <3


Oooooh so exciting!! I’ll only be here Sunday so hopefully there will be some left


I tried to look up the map but it's no longer online for me, and the tables aren't numbered, however I remember it's on the first floor main hall, and there aren't that many booths so it should be easy to find!


And with first floor I mean ground/lower floor (not sure where you start counting in France ahah)


YEAH it was a dumb title picked in a rush when I made the first one, and back then everyone knew Honda-san... I wonder if anyone gets the reference anymore. Also my friend said it's an ironic title because 1/3 of the book is yuri or fem mutsu titties sdjfgh


Yeh, for us it's "rez de chaussée", but that's nice, we'll be tabling at the same floor then ♥