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Hello patrons! Some of you might have noticed that my twitter account has been suspended. It is likely due to someone's targetted harassment, since I did receive some anon messages with disturbing threats on curiouscat recently, and this same person (or group of people) is probably the one who keeps reporting my account.
I filed a claim for unfair suspension to Twitter, but I have no idea how long it will take for them to check. I just wanted to reassure everyone that I'm ok, and that I will keep updating patreon as planned.
I will contact my commissioners via email address for wips etc, so if you commissioned me an artwork, remember to check your inbox from time to time~!

That said, if you followed me on twitter, you will have to live without my hornyposting for a while 😂
Thank you so much for supporting my work, as always! 💕 Hope you're looking forward to this month's request challenge!



I’m so sorry to hear that. People like that who just seek to make life difficult for others are frustrating and I hope your account gets fixed. I’m glad you’re doing ok


Oh no i was wondering what happened, hopefully you can get your account back :( @ Twitter please let us enjoy horny content in peace


holy shit, again? My god these people seriously have too much time on their hands. I can't believe someone is going around harassing you enough that they get your twitter suspended (and that twitter possibly just automatically suspends without even looking into it...). I am so sorry NV, I sincerely hope this will get solved soon :( I so do love seeing your stuff, I'm glad we can at least see it through here!!! Please take care and don't let it get to you ;;


noo! Are you making an interim replacement twitter?


Wow some people really have nothing better to do uh? I hope your suspension is lifted soon, be well!


Oh that rly sucks I hope you can retrieve the acc soon


Yeah i'm sure twitter suspends without looking, then you file a complaint and they check after some time... don't worry, it's just a minor inconvenience for me!


Im sorry to hear that! Glad you ok and hopefully twitter will give you back you account!


I'm sorry to hear that and will waiting for you ( •̀ᄇ• ́)ﻭ✧


Found you!!! I guess Twitter being baddies did have a good thing (you got my money lmao), glad to support you here. :3 take care!


That's terrible and so unfair... I hope you get your account back soon and people leave you alone.


I’m so sorry to hear that, I’m glad you’re doing okay though and I hope you get your account back soon! Take care!!!💕


Missing you on on my tl, hope they let you out of twitter jail soon...


Oh boo wtf 😒 I'm so sorry this happened to you and those harassers nerd to fucking stop. I hope you get your account back soon and that you're doing well despite this bullshit!!


So I wasn't imagining you being gone from my TL huh... Hope you get your account back!