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To those who have read my previous posts on Furaffinity, some of you may know I have been dealing with some unpleasant health issues the past few months.

For the long story short, in December I had been exposed to Covid at my grandmother's, and I had a particularly rough bout of it in terms of recurring cough, a bit of vomiting and persistent diarrhea. Even after all those symptoms managed to ease up going into February, the diarrhea continued to persist. In March it got significantly worse and was accompanied with fresh blood.

I've been doing everything I can to try to manage it and get better, the clinic appointment I had in March only told me that the bleeding was deeper in the intestinal tract and may have just been a one off occurrence, to manage my diet and take a blood test to check levels.

As things continued into this month, the diarrhea persisted. Making sitting down for any long period near impossible without having sudden emergency uncontrolled bowel movements. Drawing has been extremely difficult because of this but I've been doing my best in between bouts. My dietary changes weren't doing much of anything for my symptoms and more recently the bloody bowel movements have been more frequent and accompanied with strong abdominal pains. I had gone to the hospital last Thursday in an attempt to get an actual doctor to look at me. But they just did the exact same procedures as the clinic, and told me they could not do more without me returning to the clinic again to get a referral to a gastroenterologist.

So this Monday I have an appointment with the clinic to hopefully move forward with that and force the issue. I've been doing my best to keep hydrated as things persist and holding out through the pain in the mornings and evenings till I can finally see someone. That is where I am at currently.


On the art side of things, I have been resting a lot so I've been behind on posting a recently finished larger TF sequence commission. The extras file sizes are a bit larger so I may have to zip things and share them on the Discord in Patreon exclusive channels instead since I'm not sure if things are allowed to post here with certain unclear content policies in effect.

I will still upload the sequence in other places fairly soon. As I wait for the coming medical appointment, I will push to get a lot more done and start May more refreshed. I do have a bit of a personal vacation planned with the boyfriend going into mid May, so I might be a bit scarce around that time since we'll be sight seeing in the local area.

I sincerely appreciate all the support from everyone, I always feel bad that I'm not uploading/drawing more or getting caught up with the personal art ideas and TF comics I've had planned all this time. But I'm looking forward to getting back on my feet in the coming months and trying to fully clear the slate. A lot of longstanding commissions I've been working on have been in the latter stages of completion all this time and I've been itching to get them done and change things up for awhile now.





All the best wishes for your health man, hope they're able to help you properly ASAP.