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Hey everyone.

I have been feeling a little unproductive. We have some heat lately and I don’t cope too well with it apparently. It sorta brings my mood down. Don’t get me wrong, I am not unhappy or anything I am just a little… out of my mojo 🤗 That is all. I still work, and I hope to have a surprise for you all to sorta break into new territories and to test my own skills a little.

I just hope you can stand waiting for it, as it takes a little longer than I planned, especially with the weather gods against me. ❤️ Thank you so much.

Yours truly




Looks great as usual. I hope you do well on your end.


Now this is a wife that you want to come home to after a long hard day. 🥰 Thank you for your work, we most surtanly will be looking forward to whatever you bring us. I hope you are well and will continue to be. ☺️♥️

Garrett Carter

Azula: Oh, I see. You'll impregnate our mother, but not me. Classic Zuzu.