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get ralpfroled


Please watch Tron, I think you would love it. Tron legacy is such an underrated movie. Wayyy ahead of its time.


I think I have a good film for you where you could react to it, it's called 65

Nikki Sonrisa

the mice were from Cinderella (1950), which you should definitely watch. also, Brave is amazing and you should watch that too. I agree with you that this one is way better than the first one because you already know Ralph and Vanellope and so you get to watch their friendship evolve. plus the references are amazing.


Dope reaction! Love the content, and I wanted to ask if you plan to watch the second installment of Sherlock someday? Might be actually even better than the first one in my opinion


Tron, would like to see your reaction to Tron!!!!!