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Back with Episode 2 of Couples in trouble ft. Bucky and Sam! 

This show is just so funny and amazing. I can see this being a future comfort watch unless some terrible stuff happens later on. (touch wood)

Hope you guys enjoy this weeks Mcu reactions and we will be back next week with 2 more!

"Your Moms name was Sarah.."


F AND WS ep 2 patreon.mp4

This is "F AND WS ep 2 patreon.mp4" by Sebscreen on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



mackie and stan is an unbeatable duo

Jeff Cabrera

Not Seb referencing the Nella Rose “Embarrazzing” video! 💀 Even though a potential Sam-Bucky bromance was hinted all the way back in Civil War, I didn’t know I needed it until the episode. It’s not just another Cap-Falcon or Cap-Bucky combo, but a fresh (and hilarious dynamic). That being said, I also respected that Marvel addressed some important issues this episode (not just the cop interaction with Sam but the inclusion of Isaiah Bradley and what he went through as well). Sam made such a big deal about no one knowing about Isaiah because he really was a historical figure (a super soldier for the US govt) that was not treated the same as Steve Rodgers. Instead, he was essentially erased from history. This is relevant today because the US has only recently begun acknowledging events and atrocities and adding them to the history books.


You know, end of episode one, I did hate John Walker being Captain America. But this episode, he really does seem like a guy doing his best. He's a great solider, picked to be Captain America and he wants to live up to the expectations of that title. And even when he was a bit antagonistic at the end saying "Stay out my way", it's like... Well, he has been NOTHING but friendly and inviting to Bucky and Steve. The only time he was rude to them was unintentional, while they've constantly pushed him away, so... I can't really bring myself to hate him for that. Also, in case you haven't picked up on it yet, a big focus of this series is race. Isaiah is a big deal because he was a BLACK SUPER SOLDIER, in a time where Black people still were treated awfully. Isaiah was a hero, but because he was Black, he just got locked away and experimented on when Steve was made into this awesome symbol. That's why it's such a big deal that Bucky never told anyone.


Another good episode. I'm not quite sure about the Flag Smashers or the new Captain America yet. I'm not sure I really get what the Flag Smashers are doing yet and their objective seems a bit hazy still. The new Captain America I'm not sure if he is going to end up being a villain of sorts or ends up giving the shield back to Sam at some point. He seems annoying but in the earlier scenes he seemed like his heart was in the right place. Depends if the pressure of the mantle gives him a massive ego or not. Bucky and Sam (ft Redwing) are such a pair. That couples therapy was amazing. Bucky still breaking my heart though with what he said- doubting his self-worth from the only person who ever truly valued him as a person. I hope he gets some peace of mind by the end of this show. There is so many things going on and so many groups and with only 4 episodes left, I guess some real stuff is about to go down soon. I hope the story of the super soldier stuff and the Flag Smashers leads somewhere good because at the moment I'm way more invested in the real life stuff of Bucky and Sam, and I would have been down for the whole show to be just that with a more lowkey background story. Am interested to see where they take it with the next episodes!


bro the "new" captain america looks like a bloody goofball lmao! ..in the suit at least


I def can see it remaining a comfort show, despite the fact that it does get very serious in several ways. It is for me, personally. I find it to be "human" in a way that the others are not so focused on, necessarily, and the Sam-Bucky dynamic just gets so effing good. It already is at this point! Adore how they wrote them to deepen their characters both individually and together. Thrilled you like it so much.


John was so pretentious the whole episode. The fact he reduced Wilson and Barnes to just Rogers sidekicks was so frustrating. He clearly doesn't understand everything those three went through together. Also, when he bragged about jumping on the grenade with his helmet... the whole point of Steve jumping on that grenade was he did it thinking that it was going to kill him but he curled his body around it to protect other people. While Walker seems to be driven by aspirations of fame and grandeur. Great commentary as always! Can't wait to watch the next one with ya.

Steven Jump

The actor playing the new Captain America is Wyatt Russell. He is the son to actors Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn. Kurt Russell played Ego Starlord's dad in GOTG 2.


Sebastian Stan is brilliant with his character. I can't think of anyone else that could have played him with such finesse. Bucky Barnes (at least in the MCU) is one of the deepest characters out there and Seb's portrayal is spot on. His dialog in the couples therapy, regarding "...then maybe Steve was wrong about me" is full of so much self doubt and emotion. Brilliant. Bucky-and Loki, we'll save him for the next show-have always been my two favorite characters in the MCU, and this show just gives us so much more to relish with all the development. A quick note, during your laughter when Sam references White Panther, Bucky replies, "actually White Wolf" to which Sam says, "huh?" Loving your reactions so far.


The couples therapy was a lot of adlibbing by the actors. The 3 and 4th episodes are epic. Is it next week?


I'm so happy you're enjoying this show! Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan are fantastic throughout the entire series. They both brought new layers to their characters that really fleshed them out and made them new favorites of mine in the MCU. If you love their on-screen banter, I highly suggest checking out some of the interviews they did together on the show's press tour. Almost all of them are downright hilarious. Excited to see your reaction to next week's episode!


Personally I think FatWS is better than Loki. I don't understand the hate for it.


Living for the Bucky love 🥰️ It's so good to see Seb Stan finally get a chance to shine in this series, and to explore the character a bit more in-depth after essentially being a supporting character in the MCU for 10 years. Likewise, it's great getting to know Sam a lot better, and the chemistry between Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan is fantastic, especially in the comedic moments. Excited for next week's episodes.


The couples therapy gets me every time! It’s so freaking hilarious watching them squabble and then Bucky just drops that bomb of emotion! It’s fascinating to watch Cap’s besties figure out their relationship outside of Steve Roger’s influence and that scene made me love these characters so much!

Nicole London

Bucky? Keep going... keep going...Ugh! take it back! LMAO

Nicole London

oh no ! you missed when Bucky said it was White Wolf!


HAHAHA "Now kiss!" Great reaction as always! xoxo

Knights Who Say Sledge

I agree with you that, although a handsome chap, Walker looks a bit wonky in the helmet. As noted by others here, the actor is Kurt Russell and Goldie Hawn's son. Which brings me around to the notion that some day it'd be lovely to have you watch the original Overboard (from 1987) which is a charming comedy starring Russell and Hawn, if you haven't seen it yet. Also, if you haven't seen it, we need to get you in front of "Death Becomes Her" (starring Hawn, Meryl Streep, and Bruce Willis) one of the top 5 funniest films I have ever seen.


I've never met anyone who actually hates, I personally love it, I just think it's the least interesting of the shows we've gotten so far. But I still love it a lot, and that says something!