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*Chose this thumbnail as to not spoil outfit* 

Well here we are everybody, this is the best movie I have ever seen in my whole entire life! You already know this reaction will pop off as this film was amazing and I do not want to spoil reactions but it was just sensational. 

Feel free to play along with me in the drinking game I talk about in the intro lol as I thought it was pretty funny. Keeping this text intro short as I talk enough about the movie after the credits and thank you all so much for being on this journey with me and for all of your support it means the world to me.

I do hope you like the *outfit* as well lol and I will be back next week with Ant man and the Wasp!

Let me know what your reaction was when you watched this for the first time I would love to know :)




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I HAD to go watch that youtube intro and Seb.... Literally hysterical. So glad I found you on youtube just weeks ago, immediately subscribed here once I realized how much content you already had out. Been loving it so far! Keep up the great work! Currently writing this before watching the full reaction so I honestly can't wait any longer... Let's goooooooooo!



Taylor Odom

Can’t wait to watch this after work!

Mario Lopez

Yes thank you Seb am so excited for this 😆☺️😁😄

James Allen

Ayyyye, looks like you're attending the premiere haha


Will be watching shortly. You could also say your costume is just Tony Stark in a suit (just not a Iron Man suit). https://nerdreactor.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Iron-Man-Tony-Stark-Robert-Downey-Jr-Fresh-New-Hd-Wallpaper-.jpg


Yessss, I'm so ready! :)

Haughtbreaker Nic

*contemplates drinking game*... are you still alive?


“Every time somebody dies I’m going to do a shot” Dude, you would literally die if you tried that


Cant wait to watch your reaction! If you loved this you’ll love Endgame even more keep up the amazing reactions 😄


Woohoo!!! Noice.


Nobody has enough alcohol for this drinking game. Lol.


first 2.5 mins got me hype not gonna lie lmao

Adrian LH

Cute outfit and adventurous of you with the game. Just saw the intro, will watch this after work. Enjoying how you're trying different things - the Halloween decorations were Fetch. But at the end of the day, we like you, your reactions and smooches


I thought you were cosplaying as Coulson!! Very excited for this one!


Looking really handsome sir!!


You look awesome


It's Here! First impression, I thought you were Coulson who would also have been an awesome choice. I loved Agents of SHIELD. I'm down to match you shots but I'm sure glad I just ate something. I'll rotate my shots between Grey Goose Vodka, Angel's Envy Bourbon, and Hendrick's Gin...it is a team movie after all. LOL. Let's do this!


When you pulled out the shots for every death in this movie, I was a little worried we were going to lose you to alcohol poisoning by the end.

Jeff Cabrera

That’s the alcohol talking, I’m actually not that funny 👀😂 (lol jk, yes I am 🤪)

Jason Carr

My goodness man, you are bloody handsome in that suit. You wear it well.


Can't wait to watch this with you later! So excited to see the outfit too!


Fantastic! Now hurry up and get to Endgame!


This was awesome make sure you watch the entirety of Endgame credits it is worth it


I will never forget seeing the Thor arriving in Wakanda scene in the cinema. One of my best movie watching experiences ever.


@sebscreen I must take you shopping for a suit! You will look fetch! There’s many tricks I can teach you for the perfect suit 💁🏻‍♂️👌👌


what a great reaction! and we love the suit


This was a lot of fun watching with you!! Can’t wait for the rest🤓


cant wait for the captain marvel reaction! be sure to watch that before endgame. on disney+ there are 'phase' playlists and those are in theatrical release order, i found it really helpful when i rewatched the films!

Tori Jeri

Seb: im going to take a shot every time someone dies Me: ….oh God


RIP Seb. We just knew if seeing Cap with a beard didn't kill you, that ending certainly would. Very impressive that you were legitimately unspoiled, the shock on your face was so authentic.


loved your reaction. Imagine having to wait a year after that to see what happens, I still don't know how we did it lol


I assume he also hasn't seen Agents of Shield. Hope he checks that out in the future. Even if there are no reactions. It's just too good.


Great reaction! I'm always a bawling mess by the end of this movie. Gets me every time. I do have to admit you made 3 comments during the movie that, individually I could dismiss but, in tandem made me think "hmm...sus...You sure you haven't been spoiled of anything?" 🧐 I mean, as iconic as these movies are, it's really hard not to. Endgame can't get here soon enough.

Adrian LH

I forgot to add, although you're looking super fine and fetch in the outfit - I'm sure others too would have hoped your outfit had a Bit More (or a lot lol) Skin Please. And not in a Silence of the Lambs kinda way.


I really had no friends who were into Marvel so I guess I am lucky in that sense to avoid spoilers :)


The suit and the glasses feels more like Tony Stark than Chris Evans, and more sports broadcaster with the headphones. But it's still a great look! I'm about to start now, I am expecting you to be drunk when it's over.


Man this was awesome! I'm so glad I got to watch these movies with you. Seeing someone watch them for the first time is such a cool experience, and your reactions are really enjoyable! I personally unfortunately saw these movies out of order and without really paying attention when I first watched them. It took this movie (which I saw in cinemas!) to really get me hooked on the franchise. Every movie after it I've watched in cinemas and loved and paid attention to. I've since done several rewatches in both chronological and release order but man, it's just never the same as seeing it for the first time ever.




I'm laughing at the idea of the store employees, when seeing you buy the tie, asking what the special occasion was 😂




I can understand that. I still have relatives that are completely clueless to the MCU even as much as I rave to them about it. lol. I hope you also get into: -Agent's of SHIELD - which is directly impacted by the MCU and has Agent Coulson. -Agent Carter - Which is Peggy Carter's story after Captain America. -Netflix Marvel - which references the MCU and of which some characters are now confirmed to be entering the MCU soon. X-Men - Which will be combining with the MCU over the next few movies. ...and of course - The Disney+ series which are already shaping the MCU and several critical characters going forward.

Adrian LH

At the end, I felt you needed a consoling hug and scream into pillow , rather than a smooches hug. Hope you're okay


This movie has its fair share of twists and turns and so many EPIC moments, definitely one of the best in the franchise in my opinion. And you do look pretty good in that suit, Chris Evans has some competition over here. Can't wait for Endgame !


another great reaction, Seb! I honestly didn't expect any real tears in this movie because the ending is more shocking than sad; however, you should have some tissues or a handkerchief ready when you get to Endgame. I love this movie, and your reaction was perfect, I thoroughly enjoyed it! Great suit too, you should wear it for Endgame as well. :)


Hahaha the guy said “whens the event?” I felt like I could try to explain but I just said “friday”


I hope you don't read your community posts in YouTube. Spoilers everywhere likely before you watched it and for Endgame.


One of your best, buddy. But I’ve gotta say when you said you were taking a shot for every hero death, I was like, oh God this kid’s gonna have alcohol poisoning! I figured you’d be pretty blown away esp. when Peter flaked away 🥲. Great cos play! You look good in a suit. This vid was worth the wait - good job

Matt Johnstone

Was drinking Wine along side you!! Each death really hits! Love the reactions and the suit :)


Great reaction Seb! Getting so sad you’re almost caught up with the MCU, but excited as well! If you don’t have it on your list to react to yet, you should consider watching Ted Lasso, I think you would really enjoy it!

Jason Carr

I was unable to watch it, do you know how many shots by chance?


We’re in the endgame now! I left the theater stunned, and we didn’t know what to say to each other. And then we had to wait an entire year for the conclusion. I just realized on this viewing that ALL of the “children of Thanos” must have been taken in the same manner as Gamora from their home planets, like trophies. Chilling to think of all that trauma. GREAT reaction! The best one I’ve seen.


I definitely enjoyed this movie, but to say it's the best ever... Have you forgotten about the best trilogy of all time aka The Lord of the Rings???? Very much enjoyed you reaction though, seb. Very entertaining!


Also, it might be a good idea to avoid YouTube comments until after Endgame. Believe it or not, there’s a community of people out there ruining it on purpose.


Yeah you did not have enough vodka in that bottle clearly xD https://images6.fanpop.com/image/photos/33600000/-3-will-and-grace-33626352-222-288.gif

Rashad Walker

Bro everyone had that shocked look on their face at the theatre when Thanos snapped and the heroes started dusting. Total silence

Rashad Walker

People were telling what happened as they were coming out the theater and we were goin in...... fortunately I didn't hear it 😒


At the end Fury uses the pager to contact Captain Marvel that is her colors and star, it’s the next movie in the marvel order I hope you do watch it first because then you won’t know who she is and y she is there 😊


Absolutely perfect reaction haha. Suited Seb is 🔥🔥🔥 I was grinning the whole way through at how hype you were at this movie, and the way your face lit up every time Cap was on screen 😍 lol. Also scream laughed at you yelling "F*ck off!" when Bucky disintegrated haha. Tipsy Seb at the end was cute as well 😂 Soooo hype for Endgame now!!


I almost feel like Seb should have checked his pants after cap arrived. "I thought Coulson was gonna' swoon"


Lovely to watch this film along with you Seb! It killed me when I watched it in the theather years ago. Looking sharp dude! maybe quit worrying about your reactions though haha, that's what makes it fun to watch along with you!


I like the suit. You look quite svelte.

Nikki Sonrisa

first of all, the suit looks great! second of all, I was so worried for you when you told us you were going to take a shot for each death. for THIS film, that is alcohol poisoning waiting to happen lol I remember first watching this in the theater and first of all, crying multiple times but also at the end, not even believing what I had just seen. it was by far the darkest MCU film experience and I didn't know how to feel. now after experiencing the entire Thanos saga, I can say that it was brilliant! loved watching along with you!

Dónde está la biblioteca

Did you guys see the sign at 37:56? "We Will Deep Fry Your Kebab." Haram!!! lol

Mark Wood

Thank you for not dying of alcohol poisoning!

Mark Wood

"I look like my Dad". Well hello Daddy! Man Flesh!


Oh man, great reaction as always. Might be my favorite of yours lol and you do not talk too much, Seb. That's why we watch ya :) I remember being in the theater waiting for the end credit scene, we were all just sitting silently lmao this movie left us all so shattered. And then to make us wait so long for Endgame, it was brutal. This is still one of my favorite movies, not just Marvel but overall. BTW, I drank along with you, I think that could be fun for Endgame too!

Mark Wood

I also loved "I'm trying to not cuss" shortly followed by a couple F bombs...

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-17 19:28:42 Do NOT skip Ant-Man & Wasp or Captain Marvel.
2021-10-09 03:51:11 Do NOT skip Ant-Man & Wasp or Captain Marvel.

Do NOT skip Ant-Man & Wasp or Captain Marvel.


Love the suit, with the headphone I was definitely getting football pundit 🤣🤣🤣

Garrett Shah

Seb you’re the best man. Hope you can make this your full time gig

Jason Carr

He definitely works his butt off for us. He knows he's appreciated by many.

Inhuman Paradox

And now imagine having to wait A WHOLE YEAR to find out what happens next. A year of this trauma. It was hell.


This reaction was soo HYPEEE!!! I relived all the memories of seeing it for the first time.


Sir, the DRIP. Okay!!!! Just casually giving Mr. Evans a run for his money, with the suited flex. Also, the second you told us the drinking rules I feared for your health. So funny. I have been waiting for you to experience the absolutely glory that is Infinity War Steve Rogers and your reaction did not disappoint. Nor did the "BRING ME THANOS" moment, I cried, too. It is just so god damn epic. All of this is epic, it was a pleasure to see your genuine reactions!! Brought me back to when I saw it. Cannotttttt wait for your Endgame reaction. A lot of people are polarized on which of these is better but I believe they are equally incredible and so, so different. Hyppppeeee. Thrilled you made it to this point.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-11-17 19:28:21 Holy shit this was my favorite reaction ever lol. You said oh I’ll take a shot for every death at the beginning and I was like 😮😬😂 ooooh he’s gonna be hurting tomorrow!! We felt the same ways you did in the theater. Lost our minds at thors entrance in wakanda. I’ve never heard a theater cheer so loud as that moment. The snap was like complete silence and then sobbing. Saw many kids VERY upset. Especially over spider-man. Even if we knew most of them had huge franchises and were probably coming back somehow, it still worked so well & you felt the emotional weight. They killed it with this movie. One of the best theater experiences of my life, next to endgame of course 😉
2021-10-09 04:54:29 Holy shit this was my favorite reaction ever lol. You said oh I’ll take a shot for every death at the beginning and I was like 😮😬😂 ooooh he’s gonna be hurting tomorrow!! We felt the same ways you did in the theater. Lost our minds at thors entrance in wakanda. I’ve never heard a theater cheer so loud as that moment. The snap was like complete silence and then sobbing. Saw many kids VERY upset. Especially over spider-man. Even if we knew most of them had huge franchises and were probably coming back somehow, it still worked so well & you felt the emotional weight. They killed it with this movie. One of the best theater experiences of my life, next to endgame of course 😉

Holy shit this was my favorite reaction ever lol. You said oh I’ll take a shot for every death at the beginning and I was like 😮😬😂 ooooh he’s gonna be hurting tomorrow!! We felt the same ways you did in the theater. Lost our minds at thors entrance in wakanda. I’ve never heard a theater cheer so loud as that moment. The snap was like complete silence and then sobbing. Saw many kids VERY upset. Especially over spider-man. Even if we knew most of them had huge franchises and were probably coming back somehow, it still worked so well & you felt the emotional weight. They killed it with this movie. One of the best theater experiences of my life, next to endgame of course 😉


Also you in a suit is 🔥🔥🔥


Seb! My guy!! Definitely your best reaction - and such a great watch along experience! Seriously, your energy during these Marvel films is so contagious. I watch these movies quite often, but found myself reliving the anguish and hype-tears right along side you man! 😂


Also, story time: I saw all the avengers movies in theaters on open nights! It was always so hyped up, people would dress up, be in the theater early and just be sharing this comrade together, it was amazing. This one in particular I happened to be sitting in between my friends on my left, and a mother and her young son (no older than 7-8 yrs old) he was dressed up as Captain America, his mom had on a vintage Marvel t-shirt. Seeing the action sequences and emotional scenes for the first time, hearing everyone uncontrollably gasp with hype, cry with painful tears, and this little boy comforting his mom telling her to not give up hope even if the bad guys won at the end... When I tell you that I lost it in that moment.. I turned to him and gave him a fist bump and said "thanks Cap, I needed that". I'll never forget any of the moments I shared at the cinema with these films haha 😂✌️

Gavin Furukawa

Very dashing in the suit sir!


Cmon now nobody gives cap a run for his money 😂 Love how everyone loved the same moments this film was so good


So much fun watching Infinity War along with you! There were a ton of key moments I was looking forward to seeing you react to, like Cap's intro, Thor's entrance in Wakanda, and of course, the snap at the end. The "F*** off!" when Bucky disintegrated was amazing! It was honestly a joy watching the emotional roller coaster you went on over these 2.5 hours. So excited to see you react to the next few movies in the coming weeks!


Loved your reaction as always Seb! Another great video from you :) I can say that your patreon channel has been the best that I have been subscribed to from all the channels that I have been through and totally worth it. Thank you for the videos for our entertainment and keep up the great work! I can tell you the part that really hit me hard was Peter's part when he was going away. That hit SO hard.


Seb: I’m going to take a shot every time someone dies 😛 Me: 👁👄👁 This was so much fun to rewatch with you Seb! I had a pretty shitty week from school and getting homework done and this was the perfect way to end the week. I was playing my own drinking game. Drink this bottle of wine and then chug it every time Seb full-body tingled for Cap. Needless to say I am pretty tipsy. Smooches Seb! 😘😘

Glenn Van Pestel

You never disappoint, Seb! What an amazing reaction, definitely your best one yet! So many things to talk about, but I'll keep it short. I remember when the film ended, the whole cinema was silent. Walking back to the car, my best friend asked what I thought about the film, but I couldn't say anything. I was still processing everything. My eyes were still wet from crying (damn you Tom Holland with the insanely good acting). Can you imagine how we felt? Having to wait an entire year for Endgame? 10 years of MCU came together in this one film. I wish I could experience it for the first time again.

Adrian LH

Yes- Proud of you with the Tie. handy to have a suit for special occasions , job interviews, funerals, weddings, dates with Cap or Hemsworth. although I'm sure you'd look fine even in a hessian sack.


Great reaction, you looked very smart, 😉


That suit though. Haven't even started yet and already crushin" LOL. Like older daddies with beards huh? ;)

Knights Who Say Sledge

You're looking F L Y in your suit there Seb - well done. When you said you were gonna take a drink for every death all I could think was... "surely he won't for EVERY death cuz... we don't want him getting alcohol poisoning." You made the right choice to toast all the dusted snap losses in one shot. When I saw this in the theatre for the first (of five times on its original release) I cried at so many moments. In the many, many times I have watched it since those theatre viewings, I still WEEP every time we watch Vision comforting Wanda as she is killing him, mouthing "it's alright, it's alright" and "I love you" - it just DEVASTATES me as much the 20th time as the 1st. But you're right, it's hard to cry for the dusting snap losses because they're just overwhelming - the brain overloads. I am stoked to get to see you take on Endgame - this was splendid. Thank you, as always, for your channel and your work.

Knights Who Say Sledge

Perhaps we can cheer Seb on into sporting a Captain America emblazoned tank top for Endgame or something like that. Just a notion. Which I say in as uncreepy a manner as I can manage. Also, yes, hat tip to Seb for managing the tie - I have never been able to master one myself.

Knights Who Say Sledge

I'm looking forward to Seb starting the Disney+ MCU shows after he finishes the course of films (and then - MAYBE - doing the Netlfix Marvel shows after the Disney+ ones).

Knights Who Say Sledge

That is a great story - got me misty eyed just reading it. Props to you for fist bumping junior cap - that's awesome.

Brad Johnson

Suit looks awesome! Great idea! Always love your reactions!


I believe it is Titanium I just googled it


Dude, I laughed so hard when you said you'd take a shot for every death :DD Imagine waiting one more year for the next part!


Suit looks great, and good decision not to drink for everyone getting snapped. No alcohol poisoning please. Great reaction!

Brad Johnson

We all reacted the same way on first viewing... that cant be real. Its a dream. It must be


Tom Holland/Spiderman for sure put the most tears in my eyes for this film. I was speechless after my first watch as well. So much went on, so much adrenaline and such a crazy ending.


Infinitely enjoyable on every level, but I hazard a prediction: this may not be the "best movie I've ever seen" for long. It was true for me, maybe you, too. One thing I will say: I think you'll appreciate the recognition Tony gives 'Cap" and his own acceptance of said in "Endgame". Again' we'll see...

Jasmine Lambert

great reaction, although i was worried for your liver when you mentioned drinking for every death!! can't wait for the next reactions, especially endgame mwahahaha


You are the first person I've seen that actually understood Thanos, we can't agree with what he did but deep down he meant well and probably couldn't stand being the odd one in his own planet, which would drive anyone away from people and eventually crazy. That plus the sheer amount of will and power and actually achieving what he wanted is why he's probably one of if not my favorite character in the MCU, he's not like the generic villains in any other movie. On the superhero side Natasha might be my favorite.


You might not have cried, but I did. Peter kills me every time...


I'm here !!


I watched this movie 8 times in the cinema and am not ashamed


Soooooo many good moments!!!! And yes, Chris Evans is Daddy

Audrey Bowen

This was such a good reaction. I was concerned, though, when you mentioned taking a shot for each death at the start 😂


Watching my fav film ever along with ur reaction made my Saturday night! Thank you

Sebastian Whitaker

Infinity War and Wandavision are my two fave MCU movies/tv shows. The utter balls of Infinity War. Truly the most shocking thing in cinemas, the entire theatre was silent the last 15 mins or so. The music too. The fact that the final chord of the movie is a G Major chord, as Thanos sits back on a "grateful" universe. Truly the biggest balls ever!!! juiciest hugest gorilla grip balls I love it so much. Loved your reaction. Truly Thor and Wanda are such tragic characters, Thor really lost everyone and Wanda watched the love of her life die twice (including having to kill him the first time). My emotional faves


Thanos is a Titan and an Eternal. Nomad Steve and Bucky Barnes in one film.


I cry every time , spidey takes me out ❤️ great reaction def worth the sub


Don’t worry that you didn’t cry in this one. Endgame WILL get you

Jose Penaloza

Me thirsting over Seb just as much as he does over my Husband Chris 😍

the continent

Bearded Steve is my favorite Steve. Also the Russo bros. confirmed Thor has the hero's arc this film, it's my favorite Thor performance by Hemsworth. When he arrives in Wakanda it's the best moment. Also Thanos ' ego is way too big, he cares more about winning, being the most powerful, being a God than life.

Robert 'Jemimus' Kloosterhuis

I subscribed to your Patreon and THIS was the first full-length reaction I find. You havent even started the movie and its already SO worth it :D


1. I joined Patreon for this reaction and TOTALLY WORTH IT! 2. The suit is awesome! 3. I was REALLY worried when Seb said he was going to take a shot for each death. 4. Can we give it up for Wanda, destroying an infinity stone with one hand and holding off Thanos with the other? 5. I totally drank with you tonight.


you asked "this dude is so badass whats his name?" in reference to the telekenesis guy, when thanos asks "i take it maw is dead?" that's his name, ebony maw. the big dude is cull obsidian, the two staff wielders are corvus glaive and proxima midnight and together they make up the black order in the comics, even though they're referred to as the children of thanos here. literally the only time any of their names are said in the films is right there when thanos asks if maw is dead.


also i'm sure youtube will explain this more, but thanos knows stark because he was the one who thwarted his plans in the first avengers movie.

Tymm Gwayn

United States I love your reactions, Seb. I'm watching this on one screen while watching the movie on the other. You're too adorable for words, Mate.


ABSO F'N LUTELY loved this reaction, Seb! I laughed at the number of shots at the beginning lmao :P drinking game for ENDGAME as well?


I always imagined the soul stone power is something like what Heimdall can do. There was even a theory that he had the soul stone because: T - Tesseract )Space) H - Heimdall (Soul) A - Aether (Reality) N - Necklace (Time) O - Orb (Power) S - Scepter (mind)


I’ve been subscribed on YT since Harry Potter. I was part of the premier of Infinity War, watched your reaction a few times (because you crushed it) and now, a member for only 2 months, I got to finally watch this on Patreon. You say thank you to your Patreon supporters, I’m here to say Thank You for being you. You are why we are all here. Thanks Seb ❤️