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Sorry I missed last week, it's been crazy adjusting to this new gig.
I've paused the campaign so you won't be charged on March 1st, because I wasn't able to work on the game as much the last couple of weeks and I feel really badly about it.
I am still progressing, though, and managed 5 hours today alone, changes detailed at the link above.

Making this post public so anybody new can see why it's paused, and know it's only gonna be paused for a few days, not hiatus pt 2 or anything!




Sup, you beautiful bastards, hope you're having a disingenuous Sunday, my name's Chocko Ox and let's just jump into it. For the first week since this time last year, I broke the chain, feels bad man, press F in the chat.



It may be confusing adjusting to the new job, but you'll do well! Know you will! Keep on keeping on, Oko!