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Hey, hope you're having a great weekend!
I've just made a blogpost detailing what I've been up to this week, so if you have a few minutes, check it out!
The big change this week has been new level rooms and the ability to now interact with enemies, doors and containers with a new 5th context key during battle.
So you can now take an enemy out, take the gun from his body and shoot his friends with it in the same turn!
There are some other things listed at the link above but I won't yammer on any longer, gonna get back to it.

The attached video shows some manually-triggered battle tests to show off the item manipulation during battle. Some of the art is placeholder, like the shipping containers and chairs. Level design not final etc, just wanted to show my work.

Have a good one!


Starknave - battle updates 11th Nov

Looting during battle & wtf enemies open doors :DD



Hope you're doing good too


Great! Pretty excited for whats next!


Hype! Good luck with the job search, and here's hoping for an early December version