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Thanks so much to people who stuck around, it's now been 6 months since I called a time-out due to IRL stuff and to see so many still here is really something.  

I'm back to work now.
I've actually been working every day, flat-out for the last 3 months, but I haven't had anything sexy to show since most of it has been learning Javascript and taking care of the game design side; adding in the new mechanics and less stupid and expensive versions of old ones so it runs faster, looks cooler and controls better.

I'm working on what's become a new title. Somewhere along the way it's become different enough from what I've been doing with Lateshifter that I felt the need to give it a new name and have it be called its own thing.  

I'll expound on the changes later, clarify a little more about my vision for it but mostly I want to be up front about this directional shift, in case anybody is strictly in this for the neon megacity sort of setting and this change is a dealbreaker.
If that's the case I totally understand, but if this is gonna be fun for the months ahead, I have to do me.
My new work will still be the style of characters, music, dialogue, sex scenes and aesthetic I've been writing, but I want to get out of the city, to see what else there is.

I want players to be able to converse, explore and fight their way through lewd misadventures, tackle new challenges, meet exciting people, aliens and cyborgs and totally do them, like right in the face or whatever.
I just wouldn't be able to deliver that continually and self-consistently with a sort of depressive, serious office setting (which I'm still admittedly very much in love with).

Hoping to have something more juicy to show and properly announce soon, for now I needed to check in, thank everybody for their patience and apologize for the radio silence.
I'm going to start blogging my dev progress again, and once I've got a nice teaser trailer to show and everybody gets a chance to see it and know what sort of future content they're signing up for, I'll switch Patreon to monthly and try again to make it in videogames.

Man, it's literally taken me 3 hours to write this up. I've wanted to reach out every day for weeks.

Let me know how you've been!
Still your friend,






Welcome back from the ends of the Earth. You were missed—the landscape is bereft of original ideas and littered with poor execution. Carry forth your torch with confidence and pride!


I never gave up hope! Welcome back you magnificent bastard!


Welcome back man! Really great to hear that you're still kicking!


<3 <3 <3 I was waiting for you <3 <3 <3


Oh hell yeah! I'm glad to hear you're back! I fell in love with the tone and characters of late shifter, the humanity in them, so I hope that this change in direction will retain that aspect, at least


Welcome back, Oko! Glad to see you're still alive and kicking :P Looking forward to your next work!

Cory Pinckney

Happy to see you back Oko.


welcome back Oko. We missed you


Hey I swear to god just yesterday I thought about you and how long you've been gone and I was going through your last patreon post reading people's comments and today you're back! I've been here ever since i fell in love with your lateshifter. :)


i just found this gem yesterday and i played through it in one sitting. it was great! i was disappointed to find out that the developer was on haitus, but here you are in all of your glory! the game really did touch touch my heart with some special moments, and all of the H-scenes were awesome! anyways, thanks for creating such a great game.


YUSS! Goddammit I missed you. You are a genuinely awesome creator, and I'm totally looking forward to the progression.


Thanks so much, everybody. I was nervous about surfacing again after so long, thank you for your kindness! <3


So glad to have you back. What you made with lateshifter was truly unique. Can't wait to see more of that hard work and talent!