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Hey, I've updated a couple of times in the last few days, figure I ought to share the love here, too.

I took a couple of days' break from the actual Lateshifter scenario to work on this version's pack-in micro game (like the space scene from 1.2), and I've a little work to show on that front.

Tonight I made a couple of promo images to show you how the busts are coming along. I've made a background scene  with larger busts onscreen, to have story conversations look more like a VN for key story interactions.
It allows me to create unique busts and backgrounds for important interactions, which is kinda neat, and a little nicer than always just having busts show up over the overworld sprite space.

Going to try updating the blog after every session of work, detailing what I've been up to, as that was the original plan of having a blog in the first place. I'll likely run out of things to say or not see the point in updating 3 days in a row to say "refactoring, no fun assets to show off" but it's a fun way to recap my work session.

I hope you're doing well, marching steadily toward a 1.3 release, it's all coming together more every day. If there's interest I can push to get a little teaser trailer done in the next week, let me know!



New Busts

Hey, here's what I've been working on today. Been working on new portraits / busts this evening. Think I'm getting the hang of making subtler expressions and avoiding overlap or needless variations on the same emotion. I have 9 for this character done and ready to be added in-game.



Man this hype is killing me but I wouldn't have it any other way. I'm glad you're actually passionate about what you do.