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Sorry for the radio-silence these last few weeks. Moving apartment, getting hooked up to the 21st century and working overtime IRL meant that getting fully back on my feet took way longer than it should have.

I've spent my spare time this last week experimenting with a couple of visual and audio touches, which have taught me a little bit, but haven't yielded anything essential or groundbreaking, so I'll return to it when I'm further along.

Other than that I've been refactoring; going back through and logically laying out systems that previously resembled spaghetti and duct tape.
Sadly I've nothing glossy to show for my time, as it's been behind the scenes work, but things are working more smoothly and consistently than they have been.

I'll try to have some screenshots or audio worth showing by the weekend; since I'm only just back to the point where I can commit my time fully to the project again, I won't charge anything when July 1st rolls around this week.

Thanks for your patience, I hope you're doing well.



Glad to hear you're alright, Oko! Looking forward to your good work!