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Started sculpting a new muscle monster (dragoness?) where I kinda want to try and break some previous limits and boundaries, aim for more obscene as my recent moods really strive towards that. Then going through some anatomy studies again that I might forgotten since last times.
Kinda rough still, trying to add still more size and figure the shapes so they can behave better in future animation bits, maybe in vrchat too..

Plan is to make it rather extreme in terms of muscle, freaky, perhaps even grotesque? While still being usable in terms of moving and all. Can be bit of challenge in long run, but gonna see! 

Head is bit of place-holder for now. Body will be aimed to have breasts mainly this time as well, but prepare those being also possibly muscled with also muscled genitals... 

Also apologizes for quietness, mostly personal mental struggles. :,>

I'll try to start posting more work in progress stuff throughout the month.



Brandon Mason

Awesome work on the model so far, I can't wait to see the final version.


oooh I’m loving this so far 💕


Amazing! Excited to see this grotesque beauty in their final form!


HUGE, in capital letters. How tall and wide is this character? I like the two size comparison pic you made, but I wish there was a front view as well. On another topic, will we see more Hopey stuff in the future? (ps: welcome back! Can't wait to see more)

sein ki

Sad to hear you had struggles Hope you are feeling better~


Good lord this one's driving me nuts 🥵💦


Looks awesome! How many polygons does it take to make something like that?


Can't wait to see how far you push this one



A Bear

More mass, more vascularity, while maintaining that trademark Hutska chiselled physique? Truly splendid to see your technique & your characters growing. If you're able to offer a pecs version of the gorgeous creature above, you've ticked every box imaginable