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Linearted drawing. Felt like it took bit more effort than normally, when tried bit different brush for it. T_T
Also Vali again cause i'm bit too much into this boy. Kinda starting to look like Elia and all, specially when his hair is now blown to the side from the small shockwave by his bicep flex.  They are related, and they do share *some* differences I swear, more to that later.

Anyway, enjoy some hyper flexing of a bat boy, who totally doesn't make up his bit shorter height by bicep height.



Sova _13 (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 17:40:33 what nice flexy there :>
2021-03-25 12:54:07 what nice flexy there :>

what nice flexy there :>


Daaang, those feet digging into the ground is such a hot detail.


Ginormous biceps, really like the shredded look too!