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Animations link: CLICK HERE 

3 different animated perspectives of Edria's back, flexin and throbbin. 

They are rendered in 1080p, there was some bit of blurryness and noise, even with high sampling rate. Each one still took all night though. :v
I'll be postin one of them on twitter in 720p.

Small news:
Besides also drawing. I'm actually working a better model of her now, almost from scratch, using old as base, making some anatomy and form improvements, that would possible allow me much more dynamic animations and movement, going bit more nutty with muscle details and such, but it's going to take time. Hopefully though done in next month. I will post progress pictures later on.

If it takes longer, I'd still make few more updates with this one, when many of you are very generously at 3d tier. (thank you for that also! <3) And I couldn't bear being too long without any content updates in that.




I really adore the way you animated this, looks awesome! The details are stunning and the animations is just so fluid.


Breathtaking and so meticulously detailed. The thickness and rippage sure are super exciting!