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And so our story concludes. Stay tuned to see what story will be coming next after this one!



Glenn Sellers

I haven't gotten to know these two as well as certain other ladies in Zig Zag's stable of actresses but, for some reason, seeing Tracey in a dress is something that never really crossed my mind. But, I agree with Stacy, Tracey looks more beautiful than normal wearing this one.


Seeing both in their wedding dresses would be kind of nice...


I really hope to see a follow up picture like that, just wholesome and romantic =^.^=


Another wonderful tale from ZZ Studios! Looking forward to the next one.

Sashi Williams

she looks so "sweetly hot" in it.. all her lover wants to do is PEEL her out of it and get wild AGAIN < or if the lady had her way, hump her while she's wearing it.. >