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Everyone looks at this stuff and says "Dammit, Japan!" - some because of the strange concepts that get made into adult videos, and the rest because the naughty bits were censored. 



Cats n' Cameras

Strange international porn for the win lol except not. Really cute page.

Jared Bable

Feel like Doug can go on and on with a list of these, haha


Doug should have told Holly she slightly overestimates her quills. After all, he hadn't even noticed them in himself until they had finished making love. :}


Do you have a set deadline for the pages of this comic?


ah, the good ol' leg cross.

Sleepy Dave

I recall watching all but the lotion videos at least once

Jamie Willis

Any news on the star trek parody?

Kenneth Chisholm

In Japan, a lot of its pornography just works better in animation.

Oscar Cruz

This is so wholesome, I love it!

Jamie Willis

Holly's body, I mean, wow, Doug is a lucky guy

Kenneth Chisholm

While I may have been hasty, the last panel is the kind of wild sexy fun with just the right amount of cartooniness to make it appealing! Bravo Eric!