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A Disney movie character without much screen-time or plot relevance, but a strong fandom impact, especially in furry circles. Got a nice little talking cartoon mouse mystery movie? Shall we toss in a musical number sexy mouse burlesque girls in a seedy bar? Sure! Why not?




Ah yes. One of the more amusing parts of the film.


between Disney, Don Bluth and Tex Avery it's no wonder I grew up with a preference for girls over boys and being very weak to a great looking pair of legs.


Back when you could get away with that kind of thing in a Disney movie. Disney had grown so large, the company can easily cater to ALL kinds of fandoms, but they are dead set on being only "family-friendly." It really is a waste of talent, if you ask me.


Which is especially annoying when they keep buying up rights of other franchises which are not necessarily ‘family friendly’.... Or would work better without being as ‘family friendly’ as Disney portrays itself. You know, 80’s and 90’s version of family friendly.


Disney owns the rights to Aliens and Predator franchise! I thought it was a joke until I looked it up.


Annnd here we have the reason this movie is so well remembered. I mean, it's enjoyable, watch it for Vincent Price alone, but this...yeah, I like mice in part because of this.

Glenn Sellers

Are we talking about Walt Disney studios? I hate to tell you but, Disney Studios today is FAR from the Disney studios I grew up with. Today's so-called "family friendly" Disney is a far sight more risque than the Disney studios of the 20s, 30s, 40s, up through the 80s. Believe me, I've lived during the older Disney movies and cartoons.

Glenn Sellers

Here we have the infamous fan dance made famous in Burlesque houses. Miss Kitty does a pretty good interpretation.

Kenneth Chisholm

Yes, I was disappointed it was that company that finally did a John Carter of Mars film. Obviously, they would not allow to a significant degree of the sexiness that the franchise got away with for nearly a century previously.

Kenneth Chisholm

Why should that be such a shock? Alien and Predator were as well-known 20th Century Fox film properties as much as the X-Men and Fantastic Four ones, and Disney's acquisition of that film company was big news years ago.

Michael Marcoccio

I’d really love to see this one colored and shaded. She should have gotten a lot more screen time.