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The "Special Edition" Cartoon Crush image will be Cheetara, from Thundercats (classic 1980s version). As usual, any suggestions you might have for what might happen with or to her, within reasonable in-world limits, will be welcomed in the comments below.



Glenn Sellers

I always did like Cheetara but, she impressed me as being a (cough) fast woman.

Sashi Williams

I, for one, would love seeing her with a set of breasts *THIS* BIG... ( https://www.furaffinity.net/view/40328819/) and have her looking at the viewers and saying; "... you've all probably forgotten me with new furry girls like "Minerva Mink" around..... let's see if you can forget me NOW.." ((.. and OH YES.. they're 100% natural... thanks to a little kinky magic I got from that perverted mummy's pyramid a few miles away.. *winks* ))