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My tablet has been replaced, thanks in no small part to the help of some very generous patrons, so patron sketches are back on track.

This one was suggested by CunningRedFox




There's just a hint of a smile that says, "I know what I caused"

Tyro Thunderdrone

.....now I want to see a cop pull her over

Chris Kalin

Nipples sunburn REALLY easily...


*makes gropey motions with paws* I'll be happy to keep her's covered :D

Glenn Sellers

Zig seems to enjoy driving with her top down, the car's top, too.


If I was driving down the highway and saw that I would get in a wreck for sure. Then the cop would give me a ticket for distracted driving. Oh well LOL


is there a psd file for this picture?

monstersquishy .

i like to think this could be a sequel to Amy goes for a walk. It could be called zig zag goes for a drive