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Bad news - well, for me and a few others anyway. My Android tablet was busted up in an accident. On the bright side I was able to salvage the bulk of the data off it, but the tablet itself is pretty unusable. At the moment, this mainly affects those Leader patrons who are still waiting on 'new year' artwork, as I was using my tablet to produce it. So things are delayed until I can have the tablet repaired or replaced (and unsure at this point exactly how long that will take). If you are still waiting on a picture from me, please send me a message to let me know if you are willing to wait further, or if you want to make other arrangements. Apologies for the inconvenience.

The next page of "Hairy Encounter" is still on the way - it is mostly unaffected by this.

Eric Schwartz



No worries, I can wait. Sorry to hear about your tablet


This is merely a setback!!!

Lord Chaos

I was going to say that if it was an Apple product you might try Louis Rossmann. But if it isn't I hope things work out.


Tell me where to send it and I can wire you a little more cash


Me too, I’ll chip in some cash for a new tablet ^.^

Michael Marcoccio

I feel your pain, I’ve had more problems with android platform tablets than any other systems I’ve ever used. With luck you’ll be back up and running soon.


I have a pretty good track record with Android stuff myself (sticking with Samsung mostly, dunno if that has anything to do with it). In my case, a heavy object fell on it with enough force to bend the case a bit (& crack the screen obviously). I kinda doubt Apple or Windows products would do a lot better if you dropped a bowling ball on 'em. :)


Shit happens. Keep calm and take your time I'd say, we'll wait. On the other hand - it may be convenient excuse for some upgrade... Wacom Mobile Studio Pro or something similar maybe? :}


I’m okay waiting!